
Do you or have you with any of your kids used cloth nappies??

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do you still use them ?

do you like using them?

do you think it really is worth it (money and effort wise)




  1. Yes,

    I have used cloth nappies as well as disposable nappies.

    I started off using just the square ones that you fold and used them while i was at home, so i was only going through one box of disposables avery 2 months so it cost me about $5 a week.

    A friend put me onto these cloth nappies that are in the shape of a disposable and you just put a cover over the top. I put an insert in them and i find them just as absorbent. So i tend to use these when i am going out as well.

    I find them very cost effective and would recommend it to anyone. I make sure i have a nappie bucket in my laundry to put it straight into once i have changer her bottom and at the end of the day i pop them into the washer and hang them out in the morning when i get up.

    When she has a poo i just drop the poo into the toilet before popping the nappy in the bucket

    my daughter is almost 8 months old and i am still using them. I am not sure how well they will go when she starts to be more active but i am going to give it a good go.

    I also use my home made baby wipes as well to try and save money there as well.

    hope this helps!  

  2. I use them and I love them. They really are not much of a hassle. Just change the diaper and then throw them in the pail(toss the solids into the toilet if needed), and then run the wash every 2-3 days. Yes, it may be a little more work than disposables.. but definitely worth it (plus, they are MUCH cuter!).

    They are cheaper, they are better on baby's skin, and better for the environment. I really don't see why they wouldn't be worth it.

  3. My sister uses them with my nephew!  They are SO easy to use, I can't imagine that anybody finds disposable diapers easier.  They aren't any trouble and are easy to clean.  Plus they must feel so great on a baby's butt - I can't imagine a plastic disposable diaper feels good.

    I've taken my nephew all over the place and found cloth diapers very easy to use even in public.  They are a cinch and are so soft and comfy!

    Plus they look ADORABLE, which is a bonus.  :)

  4. I use cloth with my son 98% of the time, I use a disposable at night. I like using them because I find them just as easy to use as disposable, and I'm trying to make as small of environmental footprint as I can. I make them so they don't cost me anywhere near as much as it does to buy them. I do a load of laundry a day, but have a high efficiency washer and hang everything outside on the cloths line to dry. Plus cloth diapers are sooo much cuter than disposables.

  5. I use them and I love them. It is worth the money to build a stash because you save A LOT in the long run. I make my own so I save even more.

  6. What's a cloth nappie?

  7. I just started using them a few days ago, and they're SO easy.  Even easier than disposables to put on, and a few extra loads of laundry a week isn't going to change much for me.  I'm definitely a big fan, and am now just trying to decide which brand I like best.  I'm also regretting the hundreds of $$ I've already wasted on disposables (my son is 9 months old).

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