
Do you or would you take off your wedding ring?

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Why? are you male or female?




  1. mine comes off when I shower. my center stone fell out about two years after I got the ring because when I wash my hair, my hair tangles in the prongs. I'd take it off if I were to like go play volley ball or something that would have something potentially hitting my hand on a consistant basis.

    my husband takes his off for work, which is fine with me because he could snag it on a machine and lose his finger. I like his finger better than the presence of the ring, and he knows he's married and what that means.  

  2. Yes, for all the same reasons I take off my engagement ring

    I'm washing my hands and don't want to get soap caught underneath it (I will get a rash if that happens).

    I'm going to the gym

    I'm playing in the sand

    I'm going onto a shop floor that has a "no rings" rule.

    Jewelry isn't overly compatible with my life.  

  3. Just to get everything off to have a massage. Or surgery. Probably should take it off working with some tools, for safety's sake, but I don't. Must say it looks a bit more,  uh, experienced than my wife's.

  4. i don't even know where my ring is or where it went and i don't care. I know i don't cheat, that's all i need to know. I do have a gorgeous ruby w/ diamonds ring that i do wear.

  5. I'm female. I really only take them off to mix dough or ground beef with my hands.

  6. For me, I'm used to wearing a ring on my ring finger (both in fact) and would feel weird if I weren't wearing them, so I'd only take my wedding ring off for cleaning or if it were medically necessary.

    However, I know plenty of men and women that take their rings off to sleep, to garden, or to because they could lose their finger in the heavy machinery they use at work.

  7. I always wear my wedding band except to put lotion on.  I'm left-handed so I take my engagement ring off a lot since I use and move my left hand around more and my e-ring is fairly high profile.  Luckily, my wedding band is small and low profile (I got it for the exact reason so that I could wear it all the time).

  8. I take mine off when I clean it/it's getting cleaned....or during the summer when it's really hot and all my rings get tight, then I take it off then. But that's about it....I feel naked when I don't have it on!

  9. I take it off when I put lotion on because I don't want lotion to get all over it but other than that I leave it on.  I only have an engagement ring so far so maybe I will take it off more for other activities (gardening, cleaning) afterwards??  

  10. I am a woman, I am a farm manager my wedding ring and heavy equipment or cow p**p under the band are NOT compatible so no ring.  It has nothing to do with love or loyalty, and everything to do with safety and health.

  11. I take off my ring when I'm taking a shower, sleeping, or cleaning.  My ring is a little too large and I'm afraid that it might fall off.  Once I get it resized I might keep it on all the time.

  12. If I had a wedding ring, I would only take it off if I were to perform a task that might damage it, or if I could possibly lose it. Otherwise, no. I would not take it off, because it is a sign of my devotion to my spouse!  

  13. I take off my rings while I sleep because my fingers tend to swell slightly and its not comfortable. I slide them off when I am cooking also. Or if I'm doing something messy at work. Thats about it.


  14. I never wear mine or any other jewelry. I work with power tools and power equipment. I have run into a few other guys in my line of work with missing ring fingers because the ring was caught on a power tool and it ripped the whole finger off. I also  do not wear  lose fitting clothes that may get caught in a machine or tool.

    I am a man.

  15. only when i have to do some mechanic work and it goes in my wallet. i have seen mechanics lose a finger because their ring got caught on something

  16. I take my engagement ring off at home.... mostly because I wash my hands alot and do house chores and don't want to worry about ruining it.  

  17. No I never took mine off unless it had stones in it & they would get messed up by doing something that would involve a lot of cleaning or I couldn't wear rubber gloves. I was always proud of the fact I had someone who loved me & I was married.  Of course you can see I'm a female...:)

  18. Mine is off right now. I take it off before bed, when I'm cooking, when I'm in the shower, and usually at the beach. Don't want to lose it or damage it.

    I'm female. Married 10 years. I don't need my ring on to tell me I'm married. Its okay if it is off for a few minutes. I won't melt.

  19. I never take my engagement ring off...only to shower. So I'll be wearing my wedding band all the time too. My fiance is a chef and he isn't allowed to wear any jewellery on his hand or wrists due to health and safety regulations but he wears a gold chain around his neck everyday so we got his ring specifically to be worn on his chain. Its a little sad he can't wear it but I know he would is he could.

  20. yes, i do take mine off (we've been married 11 months now) from time to time b/c it tends to cut into my finger or get a hair infected from time to time, so i do take it off for a few hours a couple times a week to let it breathe, and or to wash it or my hands i take it off sometimes!!!

  21. I've been married for 13 years and haven't worn my wedding ring the majority of that time...I know i'm married I'm not into "showing" it off.

    It's not that I don't want to wear one it's just that when i wash my hands I hate the wet feeling beneath the ring, so I just stopped wearing it.

  22. no just in case we have an argument he just might pawn it

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