
Do you or your friends chat with the people behind you and in front of you while in line?

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for a ride or coaster?

I do that sometimes (but not to the point of being annoying LOL) especially if the wait is an hour or longer. Sometimes I feel a little sad to see the person walk away after the ride is over, especially if I discover that the person and I have the same sense of humor or share a few common interests.




  1. yes i always talk to them

    i am so hyper


  2. lol sometimes the people are just tryin to holla at you.

    thats what happens to my friends and me most of the time :/

    gets kinda annoying sometimes tho. just trying to have fun & you get hit on. blah.

  3. yea i no exactly i thought i was the only one! it's like you start a conversation and you get along with the person and you can talk to them for the whole wait without an awkward moment. and then they just like walk away! i find it so sad! especially if i feel like the person was really cool!

  4. i occasionally talk to them, but mainly if they talk to me first.

  5. I always carry-on a conversation with the people in front and behind me. To talk about the roller coaster or the up and coming ride. I want there input on the ride. What there opinion of it is. Some times people ride it more then once. To me the fun of amusement park is meeting people!

  6. yeah ppl just talk about the ride.

  7. Oh yeah. I am so over that dont talk to strangers bit.

  8. Yeah I usually have a chat. Just general stuff about what rides they have been on or how their day is going. What they recommend etc. Usually if they are in a big and loud group I wouldn't bother but if it is someone alone or only 2 or 3 people and they are looking a bit bored why not? You can easily tell whether they are happy to chat or not by how they react and you can always leave it at one or two sentences if they aren't keen to talk.

    I went on the rides up the top of the Stratosphere tower at Vegas with a girl I had never met (and will never meet again) because my fiance was too chicken and it was lovely I will always think of her when I think of the rides. Really made the experience a bit more memorable that she was so friendly and yes I guess I feel a bit sad (not sure if that was the right word really) that she was only in my life for half an hour or so but people are in and out of our lives for different things and different times and I just accept it for what it was.

    Did that help or did I just go on and on....?

    Interesting question anyway.

  9. sometimes depends on the situations

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