
Do you or your parents have less than $520 to spend on school clothes and supplies this year? Is it tough?

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However, Senator John McCain spends that much on his calfskin Italian-made loafers. Why couldn't he have bought Chinese imports at Walmart like the rest of us and contributed the difference to a needy family?




  1. Yes, of course. I have lots of money, even though I retired 20 years ago. But all my children have passed school-going age already, and are happily married.

  2. Because he isn't a socialist.  Unless you practise what you preech, you shouldn't judge others.  This only makes you a hypocrite.  

  3. Why should he buy c**p if he has the money to buy good stuff...don't be jealous. Work hard and you can buy stuff too.

  4. I am a democrat, there has never been an issue of who I will support. But this kind of personal attack does not speak well of you and its not an issue. McCain's blame, as is yours and mine, lies in having allowed Bush and his hooligans to used our country like their personal playground. What did you do to stop them?

  5. Yes, I remember the Republican attacks on Senator John Edwards about the cost of his haircut during the 2004 campaign (Republican attack dog Rush Limbaugh called him The Breck Girl), but we're not supposed to say anything about McCain's pricey shoes?  Wow, yet another Republican double standard?  These Repubs make me ill, but I'll be sure to recover so I can vote against them.    

  6. I bet those shoes last him at least 10 yrs which would be $52 yr... not bad for Italian loafers!!

    Oh and we have no where near $520 for school stuff for our daughter, she's only in 2nd grade and my wife doesnt shop at Macys so I think we'll be ok  LOL..  

  7. Well I guess he won't be getting your vote! Unless he gives you $ 520.00 to spend on school clothes and supplies.

  8. Do you?  Do you find the lowest prices you can and then give the rest to charity?  If so great, if not, don't judge others.

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