
Do you owe your partner an apology?

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Did you ever stop him/her from attempting something.

A new job.

A different choice of home/locality

A separation from their family

Do they ever bring the grievance up in arguments?




  1. No, We have not been together long enough for that type of thing to happen. But If I owed him an apology for anything else he'd get it.

  2. I've been married 41 years.  In our long life together we've had our share of issues.  Occasionally one of us will bring up something from the past even though we have an agreement not to do that.  We'll call each other on it because we consider it unfair fighting.  We can't fix the past.  Life only goes forward.

    Sometimes, when grievances, or ugly behaviours keep coming up it can mean that a particular problem has been patched up or ameliorated but not really solved.  Sometimes this stuff can take years to fix. I know I've been on both sides of   BIG issues--the right side and the wrong side. Apologizing is important. But, changing ones behavior when you've been wrong is absolutely essential if you want to maintain a relationship.

  3. No we don't bring up anything that happened years ago. But how can you believe when I answer  all your question when you know I've been a liar all my life.  

  4. Nope!!

    But he owes me one - for all of the above!

    But we're not together anymore. So i don't see the need!  

  5. Undoubtedly, I owe my 'partner' many apologies... nuff said

  6. I probably could start apologizing now ( this very minute) and not be done until I died and still leave some apologies unsaid.

    Well pretty close anyhow. Heck,probably the same with the kids.

  7. Hello,   Nope i made my bed for her to lie in, good with the bad. Never stop her from doing what she wanted to do, just point out the pitfalls and be there if needed. She knows better than to bring up the past, it's water under the bridge.

  8. Whatever it is , don't wait to apologize it might be too late. My husband died in Dec and I can think of many things that I wish I could take back. Sorry just having a bad week.  

  9. Yes, my wife trying to throw aways my leisure suit.  Some day the style will return.

  10. I did put my foot down, told him that 20 years of military service was quite enough, thank you very much.  Told him that he could do more if he chose, but as for me, I was staying put in my home town with our kids..

    He retired from the service then. Took him a few years to get comfortable with civilian life.  He sometimes tells people that I did that, but doesn't seem to be angry about it.

  11. He has never stopped me doing what I want, and vice versa... no one should try to control another it just leads to resentment.

  12. No, hubby's choices are his own to make about all of the above. We discuss these things but He has his opinion too.  Only about the number of children did we almost part ways. He wanted 7.Lol. He forgot I was the one to give birth and wipe noses and f***y's. Give me a break!     Poppy

  13. The only thing I try to put a stop to him doing is bringing home another pet.

    I am pet'd out.

    Sorry, Hun, no more pets!

    ( 2 cats, 1 cockatiel, 1 gecko, 1 G-pig)

  14. Never, he is too strong a personality anyway.

    We did all of the above, moved for his job, new home when I

    was 7 months pregnant and he never minded being away from

    his family.  We worked it out!!

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