
Do you own a home in a sub division? and is your homevalue getting affected by the many foreclosures .?

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Do you own a home in a sub division? and is your homevalue getting affected by the many foreclosures .?




  1. Yes I own a home in a sub division and yes my home value is being effected by the buyers market condition.  There are not that many foreclosers happening in my immediate area, but nothing on the market is moving unless it's a starter home or a very high end home ($1M+).  

  2. yes and thankfully dont know of any foreclosures in my sub division

  3. I have a couple in sub divisions, they are not more effected then the custom homes I am more drawn to.

    Since I have no intention of selling for another 10-15 years I am not effected by the present market, other then the fact I was able to buy several houses this year.

  4. It's dragging prices down.  A schoolteacher can now afford to buy a house so something good is coming from it. /

  5. My home is in a subdivision in Midwest.  Homes are $250K and above (in this part of the country that means the homes are 3000 sq feet or larger) and there are new homes being built every day.  They aren't spec homes either so they are already sold before construction begins.  

    It really hasn't affected this little pocket.  About 20 miles away is a different story.  

  6. yes and yes

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