
Do you own a record player?

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if you do what is the most priceless vinyl you own, either cash value or precious to you




  1. I got a Kenwood turntable on the stereo in my room, but no records of my own (I'm only 21 so my dad has all the records, when I was a kid I only had tapes then CDs). But my dad used to have an Amstrad turntable with 3 prongs in a triangular shape instead of a normal round platter. I don't know if anyone remembers them, but my uncle ended up having it when my dad got a new one.

  2. i still have a hi fi system with a turntable on it., but i don't think there are any valuable records in my (or any of my family's) collection.

    having said that, as a four year old i dropped and smashed an old 78 rpm record, which 34 years later i am still not allowed to forget!!!

  3. Don't have many that are really 'priceless' but I do have a good number that were autographed by the performing groups at live concerts.

    Precious to me? they all are, and I still believe they sound better than a modern digital recording.

  4. No.  I own a hi-fi turntable, which is a totally different piece of kit to a 'record player'.

    I have a few albums with trade values running into several hundred pounds each.

  5. yes,still have my hi-fi,got a lot of vinyl,none priceless,except to me,still a good feeling to put on a L.P.

  6. I got a new hifi system for my hubby 2 chistmasses ago and it has a turntable on it, he loved it.  As for vinyl, I think the one thats been played most is probably David Bowie's The rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.

    When we got our old 12" and 7" out the kids were fascinated, my son asked how did we know what side to play?  hahahahaha

  7. Yes I do..and the albums are TheBeatles,I have several of them from the sixties

  8. I have one, but haven't used it for years, I don't have any valuable vinyls though, they're prob all scratched anyway as we used to pretend we were dj's and pushed them around on the turntable a lot!! LOL

  9. Oooooooo..... good question!

    My answer is going be difficult, as I lost half of my vinyl collection in a flood last year. It was the most depressing sight ever!

    But the most priceless in terms of sentimental reasons is Nirvana's In Utero, as my sister got it for me on my 21st b'day and although it's been played to death, I still love it.

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