
Do you own an invisible car?

by  |  earlier

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I think I own an invisible car. People will wait at an intersection for minutes on end until I am RIGHT THERE and then decide to pull out in front of me! What is wrong with people?




  1. Heck, I drive an invisible semi much bigger do I have to be for these morons to see me?

  2. any chance you have a low,black car that they just don't see or drive really slowly so the guy at the junction has time to judge your speed (or so he thinks)

  3. I have one too and for the life of me I cant figure it out as well.

  4. That's so funny.  My wife says this all the time.  Says she'd love to find that switch to turn off the invisibility feature.  I drive one of those invisible semi trucks, too.  Worst thing is, it only works when you don't want it to.

  5. yup!!!

  6. What's worse is I'm still making payments on mine . . . with non-invisible money.

  7. i used to own one but i havn't seen it in a while....

  8. Yup. Invisible too people and deer.

  9. they're just out to get you. i have those days...

  10. I don't drive an invisible car, I just keep crossing paths with blind drivers.

  11. Ah yes.  I do in fact have an invisible car. How do those individuals get a drivers license?

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