
Do you own any danios

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there my favorite fish

what types do you have

i have

1 zebra

3 gold zebras

1 kyathit danio

but i have owned a leopard danio

they all school together fine

what are your experiences with these fish




  1. I owned zebra danios before. They are very active fish and fun to watch. My only experience with them is that when they feel cramped or uncomfortable, they will jump out of the water. Trying to catch them with a small net took me hours, Lol

  2. I have had zebra's several times in my past. Mostly to help me cycle a new tank. But I did keep a school of 10 of them in my community tank about 6 months ago, but wanted more colorful tetras so I exchanged them. I will most likely buy more giant danios to use as dither fish for some of my cichlids.

  3. i have 2 zebra danios, i love the way they move around so fast and do the shimmy in the outflow of the filter
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