
Do you own or lease?

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What's your reasoning behind your decision.

I'm looking for pros and cons :) Thanks!




  1. 2 more payments and it's mine.  I've leased in the past.  Nothing worse than paying $350 a month to only turn it in after 3 years, and haven't a thing to show for it except a boost to my credit.

    By a Honda, pay for it, and then sell it for what you want to.   Remember, something only costs what you lose when you sell it, or turn it in.

    I bought a motorcycle last year, rode it for a year, and then sold it for $200 less than what I paid.   Something to consider.

    Good luck.

  2. i own my car. if i want to do something to it, no one can say no.

  3. I worked in a dealership... so here's some things to consider:


    Pros- If money doesnt matter and you are the type to get a new vehicle every few years b/c of style and staying current, then leasing is good. If you are considering going from Import to Domestic and are weary on the quality, then leasing would be a smart move before buying, and if you decide you like it then you have the option to buy it at the end of the lease.

    Cons- If you drive alot of miles THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU MAKE, as each mile you go over will cost you greatly! If you are not the type to trade in often, then it would be your best interest to buy, as you can take advantage of APR incentives or Rebates that you can use to apply towards your balance. You can pay off a car and still own the vehicle and have some cash value to it. In a lease you still have to pay for maintance just like you would on a vehicle YOU OWN so you might as well invest that money into your own vehicle and not the dealers lease vehicle. Also if there is any damages to the vehicle when you turn it in there can be extra charges.... its just not a wise decision in my opinion....

  4. We have a large family and we travel everywhere, plus my mom needs to go to the city for work. All three of our cars are owned.  

  5. Two things...I lease for the reason you gave everytime you pay the darn thing off it is time to retire it...I bring my dog in the car but just get it detailed and shampooed for $60 every once in a while... Just a heads up Jeep no longer offers leasing and I believe that all GM brands are no longer offering a lease option!! Sucks cause my lease is up in october and I was going to lease again, Think again said Jeep!!

  6. own..No car payments :)

    Here is website with Pros and Cons of Leasing vs. Purchasing

  7. I own, and I just don't see the reason to pay for a car and not get to keep is like renting a place when the mortage to own would be less than rent...except that it doesn't matter if you want to move...because a car can be taken anywhere.

  8. Own : ) my logic is why give someone else the power of controlling your property.I see it this way for the amount you spend on renting now a days you could own your own property.

    My suggestion is pay your house right off or get yourself a good down on it.

    Good luck and if you buy congrats : )  

  9. My logic behind owning a car (and I own my car) is that I transport the dogs in my car--and most leases would charge extra for those extra hairs, scratches, smudges, etc--plus, after hauling wet dogs around--the smell!

  10. lease.. I'm sick of a car in 2-3 years and i like a change.

  11. I own, mainly because I live in Chicago and drive many miles.  I would go over my lease amount.  Most leases have limits on mileage and I would never want to have to think should I take this road trip?  My dad once leased and hated it.  He was digned for going over in miles because he changed jobs during the lease and had a longer commute.  Plus he had to pay for scratches and the like on the car.  He ended up paying alot more.  

  12. i own. but it's because of the dogs. with so many and all large, i have a mini van. but i'm looking into the new hybrid (LOL!!) suburban.

    is a "hybrid" car the same as a "hybrid" canine? or is it a designer car?

    what i really want is a horse and buggy!

  13. i own because...leasing costs more over time and owning entails less stress (like if something happens to the car)

  14. I own- Hate car payment- Mine is a 99 and it's starting to cost me a bit of money- but that's really only every 3 months or so- so It's still cheaper then having a stupid car loan

  15. I own my car.  bought and paid for

  16. I own. I think its better because its your own car and you can do what you want with it. Plus leasing costs more in the long run
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