
Do you own your possessions or do they own you?

by Guest58913  |  earlier

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Do you own your possessions or do they own you?




  1. Neither one. My wife owns my possessions.

  2. I own my possessions.

  3. sad to say but they own me.


  4. Ah, that's called consumerism.  First you consume it and then it consumes you.  Shopping.  The worldwide pastime.  I'm over it all.  Downsized and got rid of 90% of everything.  In the all winds up in a big trash dump and your stuck with the credit card bills.  

    So i dumped it all first.  Useless and mindless..Stuff.  Clutter.  Frees up ones mind for more important spiritual matters i find..don't you?

  5. I OWN my possessions! Frankly I don't get people who feel the NEED to spend a fortune on crocs and haviannas...they are so ugly and made of rubber and plastic :(

  6. i own my possessions...

    i'm not letting luxury overwhelm me ..

    for some people like die- hard havaianas  collectors and fans..

    i believe their collections of these pricey flip-flops own them..

  7. Sorry, wrong category.. Try polls and surveys

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