
Do you participate in Satanic rituals? Why not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and get help?

by Guest55615  |  earlier

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Do you participate in Satanic rituals? Why not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and get help?




  1. I hate to tell you this, but no one on the face of the earth worships Satan.

    I don't believe he exists.  I believe that we humans are responsible for the choices we make, whether for good or evil, and that we must accept the consequences of those choices.  I don't believe there's some bogeyman out there trying to make me do bad things.  If I do wrong, it's my fault, not the fault of some mythological construct of ultimate evil.

    Also, I'll accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when you accept Cthulhu as your personal Destroyer.

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  2. Although I certainly believe in most philosophies in Satanism... no, I don't participate in Satanic rituals.

    Oh... wait... you mean eating babby is a ritual?

    Grow up. You're either a troll or don't know what you're talking about.  

  3. satanic rituals are more enlightening and rewarding.

    afterlife is overrated.

    it's this life that counts.

  4. Only Christianity supports things like executing innocents, drinking blood, etc.

    Contrary to ignorant belief, Satanists do NOT worship or believe in any devil called "Satan". ONLY Christians do. Satanism gets its name from the PRE-Christian Hebrew term, 'satan', which means "inner adversary". It wasn't a name for a devil until Christians invented their scapegoat and hijacked the word.

    Satanism is an adversary of Christianity, in that it values education (over blind adherence); individuality (instead of a sheep/herd mentality); personal responsibility and atonement (as opposed to blaming demons or instant forgiveness by an uninvolved party); loving only one's friends and family (instead of whoring it out without any criteria to every stranger); and s*x as beautiful, natural, fun, and life-sustaining (not dirty and sinful, like Christianity makes it out to be). Satanists consider children and animals to be sacred - they would NEVER require or permit the sacrifice of either, again unlike Christianity.

    Most Satanists are atheists (i.e. they don't believe in or worship any deities), and are wonderful, moral, helpful, caring people. Unfortunately, lying church propaganda has created a lot of false rumors about them.

  5. Yeah, I just got back from a black mass. Afterwards we had a bake sale to raise money for buying goat blood. That stuff is expensive.  

  6. We are fueled by Satan! Yay for animal sacrifices!

  7. Because my god can beat your god.

  8. That's like asking a goat to become a sheep, in more ways than one

  9. Are you serious?  

  10. Yes, I participate in satanic rituals. I usually eat babies and practical homosexuality.

    Why don't you retreat back into the hole from which you came?

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