
Do you pass on well wishes when asked to?

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When someone asks you to say hi to so and so or give so and so a hug for them, for example..."give Judy a hug for me" or "say hi to Joe for me"do you actually do it? Do you think people really expect you to or is it just a way of ending a conversation, or something they feel obligated to say?




  1. I dont like that custom and think it is phony

  2. It used to be considered an errand for a friend.  

    In past societies where social circles were the only thing that some people lived for, society parties were how people passed their time and in many cases, the only way that they had to keep up with other families who may have lived too far away for them to see on a frequent basis.  It was considered rude to simply travel to someone else's home uninvited to pay them a social call.  Consequently, the only way to maintain contact with the social circles where you hoped to be included, was to be invited to the parties where these circles gathered.  Society was very important in those days, because in some cases, it was the only way to find suitable suitors for your daughters, or to find suitable prospects for your sons, etc.

    Many times, there were families who could not afford to live in the center of town where the "High Society" families interacted on a regular basis.  There were no phones, so if you found yourself on the outside of town, your only hope was that the woman of the house would remember to invite you to their party.  If you were fortunate enough to have a friend or relative that frequented these weekly gatherings, it was customary to request that they mention you to these people and therefore increase your chances of being invited to one of their parties.  The common phrase became, "Remember me to so and so, when you see her!".  Naturally, social competition began to up the anty, and it became imperative that your friend or relative so ingratiate you to the person that you were sure to get an invite over the many others who undoubtedly were being "remembered" to these high socialites.  The more emphatic request for such favor became, "Remember me fondly to so and so, when you see her, and give her my love."

    To answer your question, when someone says to me, "give so and so a hug for me" or "Tell so and so that I said hi", my response is always, "I'll try, if I remember when I see them, but you should give them a call, or drop them an e-mail, or go by and see them...etc."  I'm not much of a social climber, so if I remember, then I might say, "hey, so and so said to say hi"...whatever.

  3. Well their expectation is a tad demanding.  Especially as you might not be the type of person who wants to hug another person.  But I would say hello for them of course.  As long as I remembered.  Which is always a possibility.

  4. I usually do if I remember.  I'll usually say something like "Sara says hi" or "my mom wanted you to know she's thinking of you."  If I ask someone to do this I usually mean it.  If I'm talking to my grandma on the phone, I'll usually say "tell Grandpa I love him," or I'll tell my brother to "take good care of Mom."

  5. If that person is in the room with me when the person on the phone says that I tell him/her right that second...otherwise no, I always forget.

  6. I think its just a polite way to end the conversation, because i never do it, usually because i dont see the person for a while and forget, but sometimes i dont because i just couldnt be botherd.

  7. If I see the person shortly afterwards I do say "so and so said hello" otherwise I don't go out of my way to pass along the greeting.

  8. I think it is a polite way to end a conversation but sometimes they really mean it or probably miss the person they're talking about. Half the time I forget to relay the message though, probably more than that.  But it is proper etiquette to transfer the message I believe and I try to when i can.

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