
Do you pee in the pool when at a public pool? Honestly?

by  |  earlier

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I float over to where the water gets sucked into the filters and go for a quick pee. The drain whisks it away and nobody will notice as I swim back to my friends.




  1. Oh No Honestly Dont & people who do they are just sick

  2. eeeewwwwwww youre under arrest......thats gross no

  3. Usually I go over to the fountain and pretend I am one of the statues, almost looks natural, except for the swimming trunks around my ankles, but I do hold a pose just like the statue.

    P.S. Regarding: "nobody will notice as I swim back to my friends."

    Yes they will  _ I have email all of your friends! LOL

  4. no i used to when i was younger but not anymore

  5. thats gross lolll . ..i dont even go to public pools or water parks for that reason. . i dont like the idea of swimming with tons of dirty ppl i dont know who are doing that haha

  6. no

    i would, but the water may be too dirty

  7. umm...well I try not to...but if all else fails....

    seriously, it's not that digusting. don't go around peeing for fun or anything, but there's enough clorine and chemicals to take care of it. that's why they have clorine -- to get rid of the bacteria. they wouldn't have a public pool if they didn't think people would pee in it.

    i mean -- so its okay for little babies, but not for you? come on. little baby urine is the same as 30 year old urine or 16 year old urine. they don't think that babies aren't gonna pee, so why is it not okay if you don't?

    but don't go around peeing EVERYTIME! that's kind of gross.

    but hey, if you need to go, go.

  8. that's gross just get out and go to the restroom

  9. Yeah, I do.

    I mean yeah its disgusting to think that your swimming in p**s.

    But there is enough chemicals in the water to take care of all the bacteria.

    Its normal.

  10. 100% yes

  11. NO NEVER GAD!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. No. I don't. I think it's disgusting and rude.

  13. No, I hate the thought of swimming in other peoples pee.

  14. when i was YOUNGER. but now i understand its gross cuz ppl swim in ur pee. People dont swim in ur toilet so dont pee in their pool. even if it is a public pool

  15. I can say I use to when I was about 3 or so.

    But now ; no way would I do that. :]

    Just an opinion.

  16. uhh no.

    thats gross...

  17. ROFL..... i just go in the pool lol anywere

  18. Sometimes.

    The awkward part is that I'm usually standing on the diving board when I do.

  19. Aha, I'll admit that when I was younger I used to do that all the time. Now that I'm older I realize that it is nasty, even though the chlorine in the pool water kills all the bacteria. I haven't done it recently, and I don't hope to do it soon, but I have done it in the past.


  20. Yes, i pee everywhere.

  21. No not at all

  22. Yes - but not from the diving board.

  23. I usally swin over to my GF and ask her if the water just got warm all the sudden

  24. No. In the sea but not in a pool. I think it would be unpleasant for others and i dislike it if others do.

  25. I pee if I'm swimming in a lake.

  26. Ewww no!!!

    People are swimming in your pee!

    That disgusting!!

    There ARE toilets you know!

  27. Oh, so that's why the water's extra blue! From all that bacteria in the chlorine!  I used to when I was a kid but now I don't.

  28. Did when I was younger. BTW, the whole urine detector dye thing in pools is a myth.

  29. No, I don't. But a while back, I took my gf's kid swimming and she had to go really bad so I didn't fight her over it. Just told her it was okay to go ahead and let go. Big pool, little kid, no diseases -- just a little salt in the water. Nobody died.

    More germs would probably get tracked into the pool if she had to run barefoot into some filthy bathroom and then hop back in the pool. Honestly.

  30. I'm sorry but to tell you the truth the urine (pee) spreads trough the pool no matter were you "pee", so for our hygiene please don't pee in the pool.

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