
Do you people really believe in popular vote?

by  |  earlier

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That is scary.

Just think the minority would be ruled by the majority. If you are black or g*y you know how this feels. (I am neither) popular vote is what has deprived g**s, women, black people ect.. for a very long time and now you want to actually include it in presidential elections?

If 51% of the people agreed on something than the other 49% of people would have to suffer.

Popular vote/mob rule is a very oppressive thing. It is a tyranny worse than least in communism everyone gets treated the same instead of an elite majority making all the rules. How do people not see this?

I hope it is just that you have never thought about this before.

Please educate yourselves on the benefits of a republic and delegates. We do not and should not live in a democracy.




  1. h**l no!  Mob rule sucks.  

    As Benjamin Franklin said "A Republic, if you can keep it."

    (Not that we are doing that great of a job at that)

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