
Do you personally excecpt eco-friendly USA fisherman or feel all should be stopped?

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...and if stopped explain why?




  1. I do think that fishing should be sustainable.  At current fishing rates, ocean ecosystems are collapsing-most edible fish are being overfished.  This problem is getting worse and worse.  Also, the way fishing is happening hurts other creatures other than the ones being captured for food.  Bottom-trawling is a popular way of fishing; it involves a large net being dragged along the bottom of the ocean.  This damages the ocean floor and obviously picks up unintended animals.  The unintended catch is called bycatch.  It is usually just thrown back into the ocean, killing animals for no reason.  Here's a not so fun fact: for every pound of shrimp caught, there's about 5 pounds of bycatch.

  2. Too many people depend on fish for food for us to stop fishing all together.  But it won't help if we wipe out all the fish and the people starve anyway.  We need more ocean refuges, like the wildlife refuges on land, to allow fish to breed and for fish populations to recover.  We need a great deal of research to help us learn where these refuges should be, how large they should be, and how to manage them.  We need to do more fish farming (in a healthy, sustainable fashion) instead of depleting wild fish stocks.  And we need to help train fishermen so they can use their expertise in these new industries.

  3. as a eco-friendly ex-pro.fisherrmen, we used very costly gear to lessen the by-catch,avoiding destroying the bottom like normal trawlers/draggers. Granted only 7% of USA fisherman switched over but it is a beginning.Fish farming is a nice idea but does more destruction to that body of water then we did. USA Gov. Has destroyed our fleets anyway by passing laws impossible to keep up with.That is my answer & I was one Pro.comm.fisherman

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