
Do you personally feel that president Bush is doing a good job?????

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Do you personally feel that president Bush is doing a good job?????




  1. I think American citizens are the ones who are not doing a good job . You are at war and  you need to stop being politicaly correct . That only ties your soldiers hands, wether you agree or not about this war.  d**n, Im Mexican and I think i support your troops  more than any citizen,  you should be ashamed..

  2. I think that his tried his best, and he had good intentions.

  3. No.

  4. If you ask him he will tell you he is, but I have to say NO because I see him making most of the decisions for his cronies, big business, and personel reasons for himself and not the good of the US as a whole.

  5. Anyone that promotes raising the rich and not supporting the bottom is not doing a good job.

    If you look to history the most loved rulers, kings, queens, or what nots have always promoted good for all not good for a few.

    Exploitation....  Rise to riches and the key to losing your soul.

  6. He was elected by the people and he is our president and I will respect him because of that. Could anyone else have did better in this situation-- I doubt it and I sure don't envy him his job.

  7. No, I do not. Whether he is getting poor information or feels this is the "best" choice, he does NOT inspire confidence in me

  8. President Bush is good with his war on terrorism but the US economy is being dragged down by wars making the US indebted to China, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

  9. you should to day own the free home if this stupid bush did not spent $450 B in war , a free BMW for one of each american or free home for each american family. 500.000 murdered in war Bush like Hitler he should punish in national court for his act

  10. YES!

  11. Given the recession and 9-11 that we walked into, and the global war against Islamo-fascism, I think he is doing as good as any other president would...

  12. I do, and history will recognize this after we have pulled out of Iraq and been attacked again on our home soil by a regrouped Al Qaeda.

  13. as a muslim i should fever muslim countries that why america attack on afghnistan and why on iraq but the true is true the america did the right think as a hazara muslim from afghanistan i am fevering america God bless america

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