
Do you personally know any multiples? (Not just heard of them)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes i have cousins that are twins.

    My cousin married a triplet.. (she is one of three girls that their mom had naturally-no fertility drugs.)

  2. yes, my neighbor has triplets and my other neighbor is pregnant with triplets.

  3. i'm a twin!!!! my family has 8 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets!!!

  4. my dad is a twin and my uncles are a set of twins too

  5. my mom is a twin. =) and i went to school with a few sets of twins and one set of triplets. crazy, gangsta triplets. theyre all in jail now...crazy triplets.  

  6. I have a lot of twin cousins and some friends that are twins.  They're more commen nowadays because of fertility treatments and all.

  7. Yes, my cousin has twin girls, and I went to school with twin girls. Dont know any others though.

  8. my best friend is a twin :)

  9. Yes, my cousin Steve has twin girls. Chad has twin boys, Crystal has twin girls & Sami has a boy & girl twin set. All naturally conceived, crazy huh? A lady at our church just had triplet boys.

  10. I personally AM a twin, and so was my grandmother.

  11. Yes, there are 2 sets of twins in my eldest's year at school, 2 of my friends have twins and i have triplet cousins.

  12. yes my neighbour has twin girls, they are soo sweet :)

  13. i have twin brothers, my bf has a twin sister, and she has twin boys. also my bf's dad has a twin sister.  

  14. Friends of me and my husband have twin girls, and her sister has twins too, and and the fathers sister also have twins. It runs in there family. So that is a total of 3 sets of twins.

  15. I know lots of twins.  My great-grandmother had 2 sets of twins.  My brother in law is a twin.  I know at least 8 other sets of twins.  I know one set of triplets (two girls and a boy) but I don't know any quadruplets.

  16. I'm a twin myself!  I also have twin great aunts on both sides of my family and about 8 pairs of twin cousins over the past couple of generations. My sister also works with a set of quadruplets.  Multiples are pretty common these days!

  17. my aunt has quadruplets and my other aunt has twins i know like 10 sets of twins and a couple sets of triplets

  18. My husband is an identical twin.  his brother's wife and I were pregnant at the same time and due 2 days apart.  she gave birth on the 3rd and I gave birth on the 4th.  our children look like twins.  they are not identical looking but they do look a lot alike.  it's very strange.  when I watch her son I have people come up to me all the time talking about my twins and how cute they are.  

  19. i know a total of 5 sets of twins


    some kids at school

    and my sisters sister in law has 3yr old twins.

  20. my sister-in-law is a twin

  21. Yes my father is a twin(his twin died 3 days after he was born)

    I have really close friends that are ideticle twins

    At school there is identicle twins(they are really hard to tell apart cause they have the same haircut and everything, also i have a class with each of them) One of them i am working on making my boyfriend.

    Hope i helped

    Oh an i watched twin 1 year olds

  22. Yes. My father is a twin.

    2 of my friends are twins - different sets

    I also know a woman who had TWO SETS of identical twins - 4 children she has total.

  23. I personally know quite a few sets of twins.  My oldest daughter had 7 sets of twins in her graduating class.  I have been a child care provider in my home for 21 years and have cared for 2 sets of twins.  My cousin has identical twin girls.  Just off the top of my head, without really thinking too much, I can name about 20 sets of twins I know personally.  I only know 1 set of triplets who go to our church.  No quadruplets that I personally know.

  24. I KNOW 2 sets of triplets.  One set was conceived using fertility drugs, the other was not.  I also know several sets of twins, most of which were not using fertility drugs.  No quads though!

  25. Yes i graduated with a set of twins and had a crush on the boy in elementary school. A set of twins graduated a year above me, i had a crush on one of them. I guess i like twins lol.

  26. No sorry I don't know any of the above, have seen them on tv but thats about it..

  27. Yes

  28. My cousin has twins, another distant cousin of mine has twins, and a friend that I used to go to church with IS a twin and has a set of twins, and I know another family that has triplets.

  29. I know about 4 sets of identical twins...dont know of any triplets? also i know 2 lots of fraternal twins

  30. Went to school with 2-3 sets of twins.

    My son-in-laws siblings are triplets.

    My granddaughters are identical twins.

    My grandmother was a twin.

  31. Yes, I went to grade and middle school with twin sisters.  

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