
Do you personally know anyone that is in a (HAPPY) open relationship?

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You can also answer if you happen to be in one. I would be interested in how and what you think makes it work?






  1. I happen to be in a very stable open relationship.  I've been seeing a man for over a year.  He is also regularly seeing one other women, and there's a couple he sees maybe once or twice a year who normally live out of state.  The reasons our relationship works is because we have open, honest communication, and there is full knowledge and consent among all parties.  I've met the other woman he sees regularly, and we get along quite well.  I am also free to see other people, though at the moment, it is my choice to only be with my partner.  If I was to see someone else, it would need to be ok with my partner, and ok with the new partner.  Boundaries would need to be discussed and agreed upon, such as STI screenings, safe s*x, etc.

    If you are interested in learning more about open relationships or even polyamorous relationships, I would strongly recommend checking out the book The Ethical s**t, by Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt.

  2. My mate just told me last week that they are swingers!!!.....oh and that he just happens to be bi?!...."Good for you" was my reply!.....They have only been married for a couple of years and have just started swinging. They are more happier than I've ever seen them! Although this seems to work for them, there was something missing and this was the void they had to fill. It's not for everyone, but whatever floats your boat!

  3. I haven't had a boyfriend in like 6 years.

  4. I have a friend thats in one - well several actually and hes very happy - same cant be said for his girlfriend though, shes totally oblivious to the way he is and I feel really sorry for her!

    I personally would never be in one - Id find it way too hard


  5. I'm happy in one, the reason is because my wife doesn't know I'm in one.

  6. Yes. My mates are in a happy relationship but remember all relationships has ups and downs.  

  7. I'm very happy thanks, but for Gods sake don't tell my wife.

  8. No, unfortunately.  I have known several people in open relationships throughout my life and the pattern is usually that one person is happy with it and one is miserable about it, then over time they are both unhappy as a result of not getting along as well.

    One couple broke up and then got back together exclusively, however, and now they are married.  So maybe for them it was a testing ground for their commitment.

    There is another thing called polyamory where all the people in the relationships have no interest in monogamy at all, and this is different from a regular open relationship because they tend to all be bfs and gfs with each other.  I have known this to work well for certain bi friends who feel that way, but I don't know the longevity because I wasn't close enough to keep in touch still.

  9. nope

  10. Define your terms.

  11. An open relationship is simply a non-committed sexual friendship.

    I've been f' buddy to 2 guys now & I've decided I've had enough. If they don't like me enough to be with just me (One has just got married but we stopped having fun when he met her) then I deserve better.  If you don't care for a girl enough to be constant to her just keep playing the field & don't commit to anyone.

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