
Do you personally know or know of any boys that have bedwetting issues, and how do they deal with it?

by Guest67125  |  earlier

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Do they go to sleepovers?




  1. I did for many years growing up, and mostly avoided sleepovers.  When I did go to a sleepover I would do my best to stay up all night, or at least go to the bathroom as many times as possible before falling asleep and sleep for only an hour or two.  Not the healthiest thing, i know, but far better than the alternative!

    When I was a little older (10 or so) they tried me on this medicine (Tofranil) that wound up working maybe 70% of the time, but only on the night I took it.  It was too expensive to use every night but we did keep some around for me to use for sleepovers (although I still didn't do them that often).  It only let me down once that I can remember, but that once was in a BIG way, at 6th grade camp...

    By the time I was college age (17) I still had occasional accidents, maybe once a month or so, but often enough to still make me nervous about staying someplace away from home for more than a night or two.  By that time they had come out with disposable nighttime undergarments (Goodnites) and I would use those whenever I was really worried about having an accident, and never had a problem.  That was only when staying at a friend's house or something...  In the dorms at school I would just do what I had done at home, put a plastic sheet on the mattress for protection (I told everyone it was for my allergies) and just quietly sneak to the laundry room to wash sheets in the middle of the night if I needed to.

    Good luck, it's not an easy thing to deal with but it shouldn't be the end of the world either!  I believe there are a couple more types of disposable underwear now that are marketed exactly for that purpose, and they are designed to be very discreet so that they could easily be hidden in a sleeping bag (or whatever) and allow for a worry-free sleepover.  LOTS of kids at all different ages are affected by this -- you'd probably be surprised how many are out there! -- and it's definitely not something you should allow to ruin your (or your son's) childhood.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Mine (not any more. I did not sleepovers. It did not resolve until about 12 years old! It is sad but it is the immature nervous system in their bladder. Probably their Dad who may not admit it had the same.

    It is traumatic and let them decide i f  they want a sleep over but I would not want them embarrassed.

  3. Huggies has Good Nights they look like regular underwear but they are absorbent in case of a problem I would pack one in his stuff if he wants to go to a sleep over and just tell him to change into it when he puts his PJ's on none of the other kids will realize that he has a problem and then in the morning if he had an accident all he has to do is trow it in the trash and nobody will even know. It is a frustrating thing for a child to have bed wettings but at least now there are some products out there that make it less of an embarrassment for the child and let them enjoy the same things that other kids do like sleep overs without the fear of an accident.

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