
Do you personally use a weak, neutral, or strong grip with your irons? what about your driver?

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Do you personally use a weak, neutral, or strong grip with your irons? what about your driver?




  1. Slightyly strong grip with both driver and irons - but I like to draw the ball a little.

  2. Strong grip with everything....a weak or neutral grip feels like I have no control over the club....

    My V's point to my right shoulder...


    I would add one thing to this that's not contained in the question.....when you're looking at your grip and you're analyzing the V's created by your thumb and forefinger on boths hands.....if you realize that they do not point in the same direction....this is a bad sign, it means your hands are fighting each other during the swing. Do your best to match the V's....

  3. I try to stay neutral. But, I just tried a ribbed grip so I'm thinking I may finally be able to go a little weak at times to facilitate a fade when it's called for. I used to avoid that due to concern about creating consistency issues in my usual grip. My normal flight is  a draw.

  4. Irons I use a strong grip and my driver i use a neutral grip

  5. I use a slightly strong grip with both my driver and irons.  I used to have a problem with slicing the ball and using a stronger grip helped eliminate it.

    Notice I said "slightly".  I'm just a bit past neutral.

  6. Sam Snead said it best. Your grip should be as soft as when you are holding a small bird in your hand. With a neutral grip, one is more prone to hitting more consistent shots then those who use weak or strong grips. Seldom does my grip go to weak or strong. It will go slightly to left or right of neutral when a shot for position demands it. However, at 84, I am thankful that I can still hit an occasional good shot.

  7. My grip is kinda different being that my left hand is very strong and my right hand is  neutral. I like this grip it allows total control with me left hand and effective release

    with my right hand. The key is to find a grip that allows all finger to control the club. You also need a grip that doesn't counteract meaning both hands working in unison to an extent.

    The traditional theory is weak left hand and weak right hand is a complete neutral grip. and vice versa for strong, I totally disagree if your left hand is to weak the club goes all over the place and if you Right hand is to strong not enough fingers are on the club to release. In conclusion all of your fingers must be on the grip work on that and you will see and feel results.

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