
Do you personally use the wax a lot for your Braces?

by Guest62394  |  earlier

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They gave me 3 small squares of Wax. I just put the wax on my upper teeth and it actually makes it feel a bit better. It's not rubbing up against and scraping me mouth anymore. Do you use the wax? And what do you use when you run out? Where can you buy the wax from? Thank you :)




  1. i have had braces for a few months now and have to apply wax more or less every other day because i constantly get mouth ulcers, but if your braces arent cutting your mouth or causing you any irritation there is no need to use it

  2. I used it for like 5 days and swallowed some of it and stopped using it

  3. i dont use it

    lol i deal with it sometimes

    or i use this gel and it feels better

  4. No I didn't. I hardly use it except when I had a cold sore or something.

  5. i used if for about 3 week after i had braces, but used it if something was rubbing. but after a while you get used to the feel of it in your mouth. if you do happen to run out make an appt w/ the ortho or just stop by and ask for more wax. it was a HUGE help when i hade them

  6. I use the wax. I love it. Currently I have these posts on my braces because I am getting lower jaw surgery next month and these posts will be the places where they wire my jaw shut to heal.

    Anyway, I use to have my lip pierced and one of the posts digs directly into the old hole in my lip and it hurts a lot, especially when I eat. So, the wax rocks for me.

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