
Do you pick up on floor the food you dropped and eat it?

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Do you pick up on floor the food you dropped and eat it?




  1. No, it'll make you sick if your stomach is not strong.

  2. never.  no matter how much you clean your floor there is still germs

  3. Nope. (That 5-second rule is just a myth.)

  4. if it's inside my house and it depends what kind of food.

  5. Depends. If it's dried food, then I apply the 5-second rule. Of course I blow away the dirt first. Secondly, it depends on where you drop the food. If at home I will definitely eat it. If in a public place where a lot of traffic, no.

  6. Oh goodness! It all totally depends on the situation and food product! Studies have shown that no matter what, no matter how 'clean' you think your floor may be or how long the food graces that aforementioned spotless floor, the food's going to gather some extra germs. That being said, I'm not personally one to be overly concerned about germs, I'm just saying. :)

    Now, if I'm sitting at home alone eating a delicious raspberry glaze cupcake and it tumbles to the floor, d**n right I'm eating it! And that pretty much goes for every food at home unless it falls in an especially unfortunate area or is sticky and gets visibly dirty. I'm not a giant fan of gritty unmentionable goo.

    When I'm out, I figure that no matter how delicious the morsel, it's an unfortunate act of bad manners to scoop something off of the floor/seat and eat it. The table is debatable. But I will say, being a food service veteran, I -always- tidy up my area throughout the meal and after, because I have experienced firsthand (and I'm sure most of us have or will at some point) how droning and downright disgusting cleaning up peoples' messes can be. It's important to remember those days and make it as painless as possible for your friendly neighborhood waiter. And always remember to smile, too! That's good stuff. :)

    Lol. Probably too much information. I'm bored tonight.

  7. if its at my house.. no problem..

    if its in restaurant.. no way

  8. NEVER!!!!

    Do you>????

    ewwww gross!!!!

  9. If I'm at home, ok.  But if I'm out FORGET it.

  10. If i'm at home, i will. But depend on what kind of is it.

    So far i never encountered any health problem hehe..

  11. never

  12. Depends what kind of food and what floor-in my home(if I recently cleaned it), yeah.  At a restaurant or store-no way.

  13. It depends, on the food, how clean the floor is and if I have a replacement.

  14. yes...sedap maa... ada perisa tambahan...

  15. no, not usually.

  16. sure, provided you pick it up quickly.

    the moment it drops all 'kumans'[germs] got 'terkejut' [surprise] and 'lari', so got to pick so fast before they coming back

    hmm...well, not so funny :-( ... i know

  17. I personally chose not to eat food that I have dropped on the floor. The reason for this is the amount of germs on the floor. Although generally I will throw these items away if it is something special that I have dropped I may eat it depending on the cleanliness of the surface, for example, a kitchen floor is much cleaner than the ground outside. Also, it greatly depends on the stickiness of the food and its ability to pick up debris on the ground. Dropping something such as a dry candy bar may not pick up much dirt and debris, but dropping something such as a juicy steak may cause dirt to stick to it creating a gross and unwanted crunch and grit to your food.

  18. In my house, yes..

    I dont mind having a few germs in me.. like ownenn, above me said, we have our immune system to fight it.. hehe...

    Only dry food though.. there are few exception.. if my hot sambal belacan fell to the floor, I cannot resist.. I will just l**k it off the floor... sick, I know...

  19. depends. if it is chips or nuts,at my home sometime. But if sticky food...h**l no.

  20. depends on what surface it lands on

    i'm all about the 5 second rule on my floors, cus i keep them clean,

    at work or public places heck no!!

  21. I will always eat dropped food i even dropped a steak in the dirt while grilling outside i just rinsed it off and threw it back on the grill for a bit I dont understand why so many people are scared of a little dirt or germs and the such the heat from the grill will kill off the bacteria and i think it will only boost your immune system by having a little here and there

  22. i only eat food that dropped on the floor

  23. I wouldn't want to let it go to waste. So yes, I do.

    Also, I'm lazy.

  24. I'll l**k it from the floor, dog style...................

  25. h**l yeah. It seems that my girlfriend always dropped to the floor. Ahh, delicious and yummy.

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