
Do you pity people who live in h***s of thier own choosing?

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People who through a series of choices or a continuous choice live a miserable life. Drug addicts, people in abusive relationships, and the like




  1. people in abusive relationships are just returning to what is familiar to them...they often grew up in abusive environments ...that is definitely worthy of pity and/or help if u can

    addicts..i dunno..perhaps theres soemthing in them genetically that makes them turn to drugs...but also...just cuz they look miserable to u doesnt mean they are...plenty of junkies on streets who might look like they havent bathed for weeks..but theyre in heaven when theyre high

  2. I despise them. I know I shouldn't, but I've known both types you mention and I can't stomach them.

  3. While I believe these people need support, I do not pitty them. I pitty those who are victims of their situations, not their choices.

  4. I don't pity them.  I generally feel empathy and compassion for people who have addictions or are in abusive relationships.  I guess it all originates in my idiotic obsession to fix all the world's problems.

    Many great artists died of drug overdoses.  And, a silly thing comes to mind - Goldie Hawn in The First Wives Club:  "I drink because I am a highly sensitive person," I think she said.  I believe that is true of most addicts, no matter how rough their appearance may be.  In other words, these people need help because they lack self confidence and over all think they're not worth S**t, which in most cases, is untrue.

  5. No.  I don't.  I don't pity anyone, especially when people make stupid decisions.

  6. they didn't "choose" growing up in abusive family relationships, which is almost always the start of the cycle.

  7. Yes I do pity them.  I try to help them out but usually they don't want it.

  8. I do feel empathy if that is what you mean. We humans do not come with a user manual and thus everyone of us can end up in a little h**l.

    However, I do also know my limitations and that sometimes what people need is dicipline, not caring.

  9. drug addicts... this is gonna sound mean but not really. they chose to be dumb and get addicted to drugs. they shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.

       Abusive relationships.yes .its hard to walk out of those. the person that's abusing u says if u leave they'll kill ur kid or something like that.

       Real life Gangsters.. no not rappers. real life gangsters. their life might seem cool , dangerous and they  make tons of money but that all comes with a have to kill people to get on top.later on when ur on top those families of the people you hurt get back at you.the vicious circle never ends.(IDK what a real gangsters life is like just from the movies and shows ive seen)

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