
Do you plan on breastfeeding ?

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Why or why not ?




  1. I am 18 weeks pregnant and i definitely plan on nursing my child because I did with my daughter and the bond is incredible also its the best for the child and also helps with you losing your baby weight that you gained while being pregnant!

  2. by breastfeeding not only that is cheaper and helps u bond, but also helps the mother 2 take off that exes that she gainer during pregnancy, so 4 mothers who breastfeed is easier 2 lose those pounds

  3. Not any time soon, my friend. lol!!

  4. Yes, it gives the ultimate bonding experience, and its cheaper and pulling out a breast to feed is a whole lot quick than mixing formula. Also when going on trips you don't have to worry about remembering to bring the formula.  I breastfed my last baby and enjoyed it very much.  

  5. I breastfed my two boys and am happy to breastfeed with my little one now.  It's totally natural, just what your body and their bodies intended.

    It helps you to loose the baby weight, it keeps your baby healthy and developing and the right way.  It is a lot cheaper than bottle feeding (have you seen how much formula costs per can, that's crazy expensive), and breastfeeding is environmentally friendly (less waste and less cleaning bottles, etc.  I don't have to pack a lot of stuff when I go out, because all the baby's food is with me all the time.  Breastfeeding also helps me develop a strong bond with my children.  First, it forces you to take time to sit and care for your child, no matter what other things are happening in your day.

    I'm not saying that breastfeeding doesn't sometimes have it's down sides.  It changes your wardrobe because you have to make sure that you can be comfortably modest and still have your b*****s accessible for feedings.  It means that daddy can't share the work in those first months when the baby is waking up every four hours at night to eat.  And you have to endure some slight discomfort when breastfeeding that is totally absent when you bottle feed.  I even had a friend who told me that she was grossed out by the whole idea of breastfeeding.

    You have to make your choice based on your own feelings and the recommendations of your doctor.

  6. I'm 26 weeks w/ my first and I definitely plan on b/feeding.  Its cheaper, better for baby, and better for my body's recovery.  Only if my son is allergic to my milk, or other serious health related reasons would prevent me from doing so.

    I also plan on pumping to give my husband and family a chance to feed our son as well.  It will help me go back to work eventually too.

    There's tons of research avail for free on the web.  Just google benefits of breastfeeding and breastfeeding problems - it should bring up lots to read...

  7. I did plan on breastfeeding my daughter but I tried it and I didn't like it. I know, I must be a terrible mother.

    (Cue many thumbs down)

  8. I breast fed for 14 months with my first

    and I cant wait to nurse this new one coming!

    For me it was cheaper and better for my baby.

    (formula is a good alternative but even the formula makers say breast is best.)

    I loved nursing and it was easy to stop because he was ready and i was ready..

  9. Yes.

    Because if you breastfeed, it not only makes the bond between you and your baby stronger, it makes the babies immune system strong, and makes their motabliesm strong aswell :)

  10. I thing how do I convince these orphan kitties that i am taking care of that the milk facotry has closed down....youngest in 5 almost 6.

  11. I plan to, it doesn't seem right using formula when we produce milk especially for our babies, and the benefits to both my baby and me make it more than worth it. It will also save quite a bit of money which would probably be enough to convice me by itself even if formula was just as good.  

  12. I planned on breastfeeding, and I did breastfeed.

    I was well aware of the many benefits of breastfeeding and the many risks of formula, and couldn't come up with a single reason to pay out a lot of money for a second-rate food for my baby, when the perfect food was free and completely available.  

  13. yes, because it is cheaper, easier and healthier.  

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