
Do you plan on having your child self-wean from breastfeeding? Why or why not?

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Also, how long is too long in your opinion to breastfeed, and why do you feel that way? Does your opinion differ from your husbands opinion?




  1. Absolutely. I feel it's very healthy developmentally to let baby's self wean. They know what they need and if it's breast milk or comfort nursing I would not make an issue out of trying to stop them. There is too much research showing how beneficial it is to ignore. How long is too long? If you were forcing your child to breast feed it would be too long. Seriously, 3 1/2 yrs is probably too long.  

  2. Id say too long is probably when the child reaches the age of 3ish because there starting nursery then etc. I think the longer you can feed the better because it has soo many advantages. Feed your baby for 2 years and it reduces their risk of cancer and other diseases. Husband pretty much agrees

    My daughter is 10 months and i am trying to wean her off nighttime feeds at the moment, because iam expecting baby number two, and sleepless nights whilst iam pregnant are a nightmare!! Because i always feel overly tired anyways, Pluss be a difficult job feeding two babies in the night!!

    and i know most 10 months old are sleeping through the night, but mine just loves to feed and it drives me mad!! She needs it for comfort or shel get really reeally upset!

    But the longer you can feed for is always best.

  3. I did plan to do that.  My first child lost interest when I was pregnant and I lost my milk.  At the time, I was sore so I didn't mind much.  She was only 14 months old, but she didn't seem to mind.

    My second child didn't care that I was pregnant and had no milk.  She wanted to nurse anyway, "to be close to mama."  Eventually, I became to sore to continue nursing.  It was excruciating!  She took it well, but she plans to continue nursing after her brother comes.

    My husband is supportive.  His family gives him trouble about it, but his sister weaned her kids at 12 months, 10 months and 9 months, and they act like maniacs.  Not that sudden and early weaning is the whole reason, but he likes to point it out when his parents pressure him to tell me to stop nursing the girls!

  4. I am breastfeeding my daughter and i plan to continue until she is about 1 1/2 but probably more, but it all depends if i got pregnant when she was that old but i hope not because i want about a 3 year gap between her an dmy next child. I plan on letting her self wean but up to a point at 3 years old if she hasnt already weaned then i will wean her.

  5. As of right now, I plan to quit breast feeding when my son is a year first goal was 6 weeks....once I hit six weeks I knew I wanted to keep going so my goal was 6 months...he hit 6 months and I said until he had his first tooth....he's got 2 teeth now and I'm still breast feeding. I'm sure once my son hits a year old I'll change my mind again. When I first started breast feeding my husband didn't like it because I wouldn't pump the first few weeks and he was always saying, "Can't I just give him one bottle of formula?" Now he sings a different tune...evertime our son utters a sound of discomfort or anger my husband says, "put your boob in his mouth!"....I'm tired of my husband putting so much pressure on me to breast feed 24/7 when I know our son isn't hungry! Sometimes he wants to be held or sometimes he needs his diaper changed, but my husband's response is always, "boob...boob...he wants the boob.." and if I don't comply I hear, "mama's so mean..she's taken the boob away again..poor baby boy" It's so frustrating!!!! new goal is until our son is 12 months and we'll take it from there. (He's 10 1/2 months now)

  6. I dont know how a baby self weans, but maybe introducing solds will help that. I plan to nurse till baby is at least 1 year old. During the day now my 7 month old gets 3 feedings of solid food, so she eats less from me. But at night she still nurses. And she nurses when she needs comfort.

  7. My husband and I agree that breastfeeding is the healthiest (and cheapest) way to feed an infant. The WHO and AAP recommend breastfeeding until age 2. I nursed my first daughter to age 2. I slowly cut back feedings and shortened feedings until she was nursing just once a day by age 2. Then one day I asked if she was ready to give it up, and she said yes. Each night when she asked for Mommy Milk, I cuddled her close and read her books. It was a gentle process for both of us. It wasn't totally child-led, since I guided the process to a close, but it was non-traumatic, which is on par with reasoning for child-led weaning.

    I am currently nursing my second child, a 16 month old girl.

    I don't believe there is an age when it is unacceptable to breastfeed. If the mother and child both enjoy it, and are both in good mental health (ie, the mother is not forcing or manipulating the child to continue or vice versa), I think it is fine. However, my personal limit is 3-4 years old. I have heard of kids breastfeeding until 6-8 years old. I could not do that, but it worked for those families.

  8. I let my oldest self ween. He did that on his own at 19 months. My 2ed who I am currently breastfeeding is going to self ween also. Why? Because breastfeeding is natural and great for them and they should decide when enough is enough. I feel like breastfeeding a pre-schooler (4-5) is a little weird. Just my opinion. I just thing it is weird. But to each their own. Breastfeeding older children is way more common in other countries then it is in the USA. My husband is very supportive of me and his opinion on breastfeeding is the same as mine. If it wasn't I wouldn't care anyways. Everyone is entilted to an opnion and I respect that.

  9. i'm still breastfeeding my 16-1/2mo old daughter and yes, i'll let her self-wean as it will probably take two sticks of dynamite and a crowbar to get her off the boob unwillingly.

    if she's not off at 3yrs of age, i'll have a word with her then about stopping because after 3, i think it's getting a little wierd.  going by family history, she'll likely start reading around then and the thought of my daughter reading the sunday paper over breakfast....  

    unh-unh.  no way.

    my hubbie's opinion is that i can do whatever i want except he'd prefer i weaned already and got a job.  sucks to be him some days.

  10. I planned that with my second. But when he was 19 months old, his sister was born. I have a chronic pain condition and managed to tandem nurse for 2 months before I had a bad flare-up and had to push weaning a bit. My third now, will wean when she is ready. My husband agrees although leaves the decision to me.  

  11. Yes, i'd like for him to self-wean when he's ready. 3 years being the top.

    I love nursing, & there's no way i will want to stop.

    My husband is fine with whatever i choose to do.

    God Bless

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