
Do you plan to take photographs of the Perseid Meteor Shower tonight?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i will try even though I only have a zoom lens camera.  The min shutter speed is 60 seconds.  But the images won't take up any room on the camera so I'll be taking tons of images.

  2. y'know some of us live in a desert, nerry a cloud in the sky, and some of  us live in kansas where we have overcast skys and boy am i ticked off about that! not that some live in the desert, but that the sky is overcast.

  3. I'm going to try.  I have three camera, two of which are good enough for this.  I don't plan to leave home though.  The sky is clear but there is some skyglow.  Last time I went to the country to get away from city lights, the mosquitoes ate me for dinner.  It wasn't worth it.  

  4. No, I heard it's one meteor per minute.

  5. Oh c** that tonight? I reckon I won't, being in the middle of Austin...bummer.

  6. I plan to that's why I'm finding out how to take good shots of it using my cam (canon s5 IS).

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