
Do you play SOCCER?? [or have you ever played it]?

by  |  earlier

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if you have played it before then tell me everything there is to know about soccer!

how to play it mainly

please and thanks!!!!!!




  1. i play soccer (in us)///football(in UK)

  2. Basics- The game has two 45 minute halves.  Each side has ten players.  How they are arranged on the field can change, but you usually have at least one goalie, 2 defenders 2 half-backs and 3 offense.  The other two positions are usually a sweeper who stays in the backfield and a striker who stays in the front.

    A coin toss decides who starts the ball.  On kickoff, no one can move until the center passes the ball to another player.  When a goal is scored, the ball is reset at the middle of the field and the team the goal was against kicks it off.  

    Fouls - No offensive player can receive the ball when standing behind the last defensive player (goalie not icluded) or they are offsides.  You can use any part of your body to manipulate the ball except for you arms and hands.  If a foul occurs in the penalty box, then a member from the team who did not commit the foul gets a direct kick from the top of the penalty box on the goal.  If a foul occurs outside the penalty box, the team who did not commit the foul gets an indirect kick, which means that another player must touch the ball before a shot can be taken on goal.  If a serious foul occurs outside the penalty box, the player will get a direct kick.    

    Out of bounds- If the ball goes out of bounds at the sidelines, it is thrown back into play by a player from the team that did not kick the ball out of bounds.  When the ball goes out at the endlines, if it was the offense that kicked it out, a player on the defense kicks the ball back into play from the corner of the goal box.  If the defense kicks the ball out at the endlines, a player from the offense kicks the ball back into play from the corner of the field.

  3. By soccer you must mean I've never played it - much prefer Cricket.  

  4. Only played indoor soccer and it is different than outdoor.

  5. too much to know, I'll try to tell you as much as I can now but it'll be long and kinda boring so.....

    First of all, the different positions:

    The goal keeper, is in charge of stopping shots on goal, he can use his hand within the penalty area but not outside. he also kicks goal kick, when the other team gets the ball out of bounds.

    The defenders: two kinds. the central defender their job is strictly to stop players of the other side. they rarely push up. they usually do only when there is an occasion for them to score a goal (usually defenders score headed goals).

    The second kind: the fullbacks. Their job is also to defend but they also push up in attack to help out.

    Midfielders: these are probably the most important players. There are defensive midfielders who are there to stop the play of the other's team midfield, and control the midfield for their own team. they also push up a lot. The attacking midfielders are the playmakers, basically, they organize the attacking play of their team. Their job is to make assists and score goals.

    The strikers: in charge of scoring goals after passes from their midfielders. they also cause the other team to make faults on them wcich causes: Free Kick (FK) and Penalty Kicks.

    a free kick is when a player of a team is faulted outside the box.

    A PK is when a player is faulted inside the box, it then gets easy for the shooter to score.

    There are different faults, when somebody gets kicked, pulled, tackled (bad physical contact) or a handball.

    The hardest fault to understand is the offside. an offside is when a player of a team1 is behind the last defender of the team2 (the goal keeper not included) when an other player of team1 makes the pass.

    there are also corner kicks, when a player of team1 gets the ball out of bounds on his own half behind the penalty area, not on the side, when it's on the side, it is called a throw in, and it doesn't matter where it is,

    it's just when a player gets the ball out of bounds on the side, then it is a throw in for the other team. there is also the referee, when he whistles a fault and feels like the fault was harsh, or the player who made the fault has been making lots of little fault, he can give a yellow card to the player. when the fault is really harsh or is a slap or a player spits on an other or insults an other or, VERY IMPORTANT, any even the smallest fault made by a player (including the goal keeper) in position of last defender (which means he is the last obstacle between the forward of the other team and the goal) WILL BE A RED CARD. there are lots of other stuff you have to know you can email me if you need any other info (and you will). Good Luck!!!!

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