
Do you play a good game of pool? How long have you played?

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Pool, billiards, snooker....




  1. I have been called a good pool player....I have been playing on leagues for the better part of 22 years.

  2. yes i do play good game but then again if the outher player is good then it becomes better game.

  3. I play but not long as I can remember my dad has had a pool table & I'm 33 no so who knows ......I of course only play for fun b/c I truly do suck.......although the last time I went out I did beat my friend's cousin that was a fluke that's for sure b/c she's really good :)

  4. I am a 34yr old female and I've been playing seriously for about 2 years. My team is ranked #1 in my county and I am ranked #1 for females. I just won my first trophy and plaque. I've been playing for about 7 years but just started playing in leaugues and tournaments a couple of years ago. Pool is an awesome sport. I learn alot just from watching or playing other players.

  5. I    play   OK   but   I   am   trying    to   get   better.   I   started   playing   when   I   was   13   and   now   I   am   19   going  on   20.   I   have  a   table  at   home   and   play   everyday.   I   like   to   go   out   and    play   tournaments.    At   this  stage  I   prefer   playing   people   who   are   better   than  me

  6. I still play good not as well  as I did 40 yrs ago , been playing over 60 yrs. Been teaching pool  all my life ,play all the games . love 3 cushion the best.played some of the best ,Varner,the Miz ,Fats and a lot of roadies that have no names.

  7. I can usually hold my own against a random at a bar or club, but anyone who is even semi professional, will wipe the floor with me. I just play for the fun of it.

  8. I'm decent.  I measure how good I am by how many turns it takes me to win a game of 8 - ball by tournament rules.  There was a tiem of about 2 months where I was unemployed, and got my game to the 2-3 turn range.  Sometimes I could run off the break, although that was generally luck.  But now I am back to about the 4-6 turn range.  It's about how much you practice.  If you are dilligent, even a newcomer can be pretty good in 2-3 weeks.  By good, I mean you can be competitive, but you'll still get owned if you play for money.

  9. I've been playing for almost 20 years now and I'm 29. I win about 80% of my matches and am #1 in the league 2 out of 3 sessions I play. I do ok in tournaments too, but don't play in them too much.

  10. I just recently had a baby so I haven't been able to shoot like Id like to.  Before that I spent pretty much every day in a pool hall.  I also shot tourneys every weekend.  It takes a good amount of time to be consistently good at pool, but it is worth it.  It is a fun pass time.  Good luck and keep rackn em up!

  11. I've been playing pool for so long I can remember when there were no tips on the pool cues , just a piece of wood with a roughed up end , lol , just kidding. It has been a long time though. I play a pretty good game but I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or some kind of ego maniac or something. I think that in their hearts and minds everybody knows where they stand as far as their pool playing ability. Getting them to admit it though is a whole different story , lol.  I'm probably one of the better players around these parts. But there are a lot of good players around here and I can assure you that I am definitely not the top dog. I think I was a better player when I was younger. Of course I had less responsibility in my life back then and I was hungry for the game. I don't play for money any more , Got more important things to do with what little money I have now. I still love the game though and will play as long as I possibly can.

  12. i worked at a pool hall for 3 years and became a pretty good player.You definitely need lots of practice just trying different shots to see what people who are better than you and you will learn a lot by watching them.(just don't do it for money!)

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