
Do you play in the rain?

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It's raining in LA!!! I wanna play tomorrow! What do I need to do to prepare? I have rain pants and jacket. I believe my shoes are water proof...

Tips on hitting the ball is also appreciated.




  1. Keep your grips dry.

    If your partner allows it you can play where you get free drops when the ball is so deep in water. You just have to agree.

    Bring lots of towels.

    Bring a large umbrella.

    Bring and extra glove.

  2. Yes, I concur.... Living in Montana, I see it all.... I've played up in Mission once for a tournament & experienced all 4 seasons in a matter of 2 hours.... I was changing clothes on every 3 holes. Keep your grips dry & just be patient.... It's the same for everyone out there

  3. The tips on hitting the balls in the rain is that::

    you want to make a brief swing

    meaning that you want to make a more compact shorter swing

    like a 3 quarter swing every time you swing.

    the water on the ball or the ground can make your ball go somewhere else.

    If you try to bomb the ball, you will obviously hit the ball FAT!!!

  4. Just try to keep your grips as dry as you can, hit knockdown shots, and play in a more controlled manner.  Remember that distance is not as important as accuracy.  You may find that you actually score better.  Good Luck.

  5. In the rain?  I play in the snow, rain, hurricanes (when last in florida)  Burning hot in dubai, in my dreams, just about anywhere i can, needless to say, i'm a golf nut.

    And it's inevitable that you will get wet, don't worry, just enjoy it.

  6. Buy a pair of Foot Joy Rain Grip gloves. The wetter they get the better they grip. No need to keep the grips dry. Your first instinct is to try to keep these gloves as dry as possible and your grips as dry as possible but you don't have to. They simply work better as they get wetter. Put them on and leave them on. Take an extra towel to keep the cart seat dry so your butt doesn't get too wet but don't worry about your grips or gloves. I've also found that these gloves are warmer in colder weather than the golf gloves with Thinsulate.

  7. You don't need much.  Just make sure to take a few towels to wipe off your grips and take some extra gloves if you wear any.  Rain should be no facter while playing golf.

  8. I play in the rain.  I also play in the snow and in sub zero temperatures.  It can be tough in Montana for a golf addict.  In the rain, my best advice is to take one extra club, and plan on a slightly lower trajectory.  Greens may be softer, as I'm assuming they aren't frozen and concrete like.  I envy the warmth you'll enjoy!  Have a blast and hit 'em straight!

  9. The air is obviously heavy during rain so the ball won't fly as far as normal, but at the same time as your ball gets wet (maybe not so much on tee shots - but certainly on approaches) every shot is a bit of a flyer.  To try to control the ball it is good to hit knockdown shots with the 3/4 swing, this also helps avoid the wild shot from wet grips and the club slipping in your hand.

  10. i dont know what everyone else has said but when the ground is saturated it is very easy to hit it fat and loose a lot of distance... play a little more club than normal because of the conditions and the ball will also stop quicker on the greens, focus ball first then divot type of contact in order to be successfull....good luck

  11. Keep your grips dry. Bring extra glove. Clean your club face. Carry an umbrella. Make sure your shoes are waterproof.

    You can't be afraid to get dirty. The ball won't travel in the air like it normally does and anything high might plug, so I like to play a "knockdown round". Keep the ball low and expect to take an extra club or two (if it's raining hard). Putting in the rain is great, you can be really aggressive.

    It becomes more important to stay out of the rough. Take less risks and take your poison when needed.

    I think staying dry is the key. If you're not too wet and warm you'll enjoy the round and shoot better. If you're wet an unhappy...well, you never hear, "I was miserable but shot the best round of my life."

    Good luck with the rain. It could be worse, I won't see the green of a golf course until April. Boy, I love New England.

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