
Do you play your baby music now that you are pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I found the Rockabye Baby! collection and have it on my ipod, I swear Andrea get's a kick out of it, whenever she is moving restlessly in my belly I play the music and it seems to calm her down.




  1. i did....soothes the baby ...and now that she is here gos hshe loves music all forms...

  2. i am a father to be... to a daughter... and i have my electric guitar fed to earphones.. i play kiddo type songs to her...(although i slip an occasional evansblue, or seether song in  she loves it!!! i also talk to her yes i know... you probably think i am odd.. but i tend to think that she will recognize my voice at birth, and her and i will make an even closer bond...  i am 40yrs.. my fiance 35yrs. this is our first child.. she is truely daddy's girl... i love my Ana Simone Miller. good luck to you and the rest out there.. it is truely a blessing!!!

  3. hahaha yeah I play music --I bought the Green Day and the Pink Floyd renditions of the same collection (Rockabye Baby!) ... Aren't they great? My baby moves so much when she hears the music! She loves it :D

    I was told that the baby will recognize the melodies you played to him/her while in the womb when he/she gets out, and it will soothe him/her to hear them afterwards! :)

  4. the music that i listened to when pregnant used to cALM MY BABY EVEN AFTER SHE WAS BORN this is a good thing to do because it will help tou to sooth her when she is restless after she is born

  5. Yeah My boyfriend does it every night. He put head phones on my stomach.

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