
Do you practice fasting before Ramadan starts?

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In Sha'ban,to get yourself used to fasting? Ramadan is almost here!! I can't wait = )




  1. As a Christian I don't believe I would

  2. sometimes i fast in shaaban but i dont really think of it as getting ready or anything cuz im used to fasting and dont need warming up... in a sense i guess lol.  

  3. No I never do. I only fast when it is obligatory.

  4. I don't. but insha Allaah my husband makes fast every monday and thursday and the middle days of every hijri month...

    Usaamah ibn Zayd (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Sha’baan.’ He said, ‘That is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadaan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.’” (Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, see Saheeh al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, page 425).

    it was reported in al-Saheehayn from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not pre-empt Ramadaan by one or two days, except for those who have the habit of fasting regularly, in which case they may fast.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, no 1983; Muslim, no. 1082).

    n brief we may say that there are three scenarios for fasting at the end of Sha’baan.

    The first scenario is when a person fasts at the end of Sha’baan with the intention of being on the safe side and not missing the first day of Ramadaan. This is forbidden.

    The second scenario is when a person fasts with the intention of fulfilling a vow or of making up a day of Ramadaan that he missed or as an act of expiation (kafaarah), etc. This is permissible according to the majority.

    The third scenario is when this is purely a voluntary fast. This is regarded as makrooh by those who said that we should differentiate between Sha’baan and Ramadaan by not fasting for a while. Among those who said this was al-Hasan. If it happens to coincide with a day when a person habitually fasts, Maalik and those who agreed with him permitted this, but al-Shaafa’i, al-‘Oozaa’i, Ahmad and others made a distinction between cases where it is a fast which a person habitually observes or otherwise.  

  5. Yes that is what I am trying to do, but in my house hold I get told off LOL

    I can't wait too Insha'Allah!!!

  6. Yes. Which is odd considering I'm not Muslim and don't celebrate.

  7. I cant wait too.. but I dont practice.. =)..

  8. Its not fasting , its skipping lunch.

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