
Do you practice kindness towards yourself and others as frequently as possible?

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Do you practice kindness towards yourself and others as frequently as possible?




  1. I'm a kind person. As my screen name states, I'm also misunderstood. So, many times my kindness is rejected and people begin to treat me differently and want me to be the person they want me to be, which is usually bad and mean. I don't know how many others like me there are, but I've also seen myself not be able to give as freely as I would like to because of the idiots who are jealous and want to be better than me.

    I'm not making a lot of money, but I could give some of my stuff to anyone who really needs it. This angers every single hater I have in my life. So, they talk behind my back and find ways to keep me from giving freely. This is one reason I've stopped being kind with some people. Another reason is the fact that so many believe their lies. They do worse things, though. They are all terribly sad things, too.

    I haven't been able to practice kindness to myself for a while now. I'm trying my best to be kind to those I meet, but it is often hard to do. Some people are just around me to receive my kindness, and use what I give against me. I'm now realizing that there are far too many hypocrite living today, and we can't really trust everyone, even with our kindness.  I'm kind to most people, but if you are one of the "demons" in my life, or I feel you know them, I will definitely not be so kind to you. I've been wondering where all the kindness has gone to.

    I'll be trying to be more kind to myself from now on, though.  

  2. I'd like to say that I try to, and I do. But sometimes, you can't help feeing annoyed or mad, and it's hard to show kindness. It seems easier when you say it then when you actually try being nice to everybody. Sometimes, you want to direct your anger on other people.

  3. Yes, I am very kind to everyone & that includes me. I used to work at an insurance agency & my co-workers would get so upset with the customers. Actually, I had an home office so I didn't work with them normally. I had worked as a telemarketing & sold insurance & was very successful & when people say me on the phone they couldn't understand how I was able to be nice. I told them I imagine the person on the line just found out they were going to die or their loved one was going to die. That is so sad but we don't treat people in a bad way when we think in that way. The whole agency changed. I believe in unconditional love but I am challenging myself in how to be that way when people are trying to control others. People at my spiritual center say ask "what would love do?"

  4. Yes.

    But it's easier said than done.

  5. Very Nice... :-)

    Yes I try to be kind to myself as much as possible. This helps me to be kind to others more often and more frequently.


  6. I'm a natural for kindness no practices needed. I like your new avatar and your hair  you look better everyday.

  7. I don't 'practice' kindness!  I am genuinely, kind always.  To be otherwise; I would not like "me"!  

  8. Yes.  When the occasion arises and time and circumstance permits.

  9. If one is filled with the power of love you can not but be a kindly person . As I try to be .  

  10. To others I always do my best, yes.

    Myself, well that is another matter....I'm afraid I fall short on that.

    I have always been my own worst critic.  

  11. Personally, I practice the "do the next right thing" principle.

    Or at least I try to.

    So by default, yes. I practice kindness to others, animals, and myself.

  12. I don't practice it.  For me it comes natural.

  13. I do all the time. That is one of my best qualities, that I am kind and giving. But I am starting to want to change that quality, maybe you can tell me why I shouldn`t.

    I feel like because I am kind people mistake it for weakness often. Also, some people tend to cling to me because of my kindness. I notice that because when it`s their turn to give, they don't. Or when I don`t have as much to give at the present time, they tend to not be around me as much.

    I'm tired of feeling used because of my genuine kindness.

  14. not necessarily myself, but to others.  yes

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