
Do you pray?

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Regardless of religion, regardless of which God you believe in, do you pray?

If so, when do you pray, and what do you pray for or about?




  1. You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't ***** around.  

    So I've been praying to Joe for about a year now. And I noticed something. I noticed that all the prayers I used to offer to God, and all the prayers I now offer to Joe Pesci, are being answered at about the same 50% rate.

  2. yes,every night.Our Father.

  3. I a Theist, and I pray every once and a while.  But I mostly believe that God can't really do too much.   I mean he could, but he won't rather.  He's gonna let stuff just happen, and maybe on occasion intervene.  

    When I do pray. I usually ask for things that I'll probably never get.  But I mean, I have to tell myself that there is someone out there looking down on everyone, and by me praying, I console myself.

    I don't know about everyone else.  But that's me.

    Peace bro

  4. prayer is powerful.. But for your prayers to be answered you have to be right with God through Jesus Christ.. meaning know his word by reading your Bible.. Repent of your Sins..

  5. Hi there, my answer is yes...I pray all the time, kinda like having a conversation with God. I pray for our land and for all the people in it, I pray for my friends and family, I pray for things that i want in my life, I pray for things to be taken from my life ... I believe that the power of prayer really dose exist.

  6. yes. usually before I go to sleep at night.

    I thank God for giving me another day to live and experience more things in this world, and then I pray for myself, my family and loved ones and for the whole world.

  7. sure

  8. I pray before i sleep and when i awake....i pray during travel and in happiness and in my sadness...

    i pray and talk to God always in every minute of it...and am thankful i am alive and breathing every seconds of it......

    Pray constantly.......

  9. Yes. All through the day I more or less 'talk' to God. I have always done this. I thank him for each day and ask him to bless my children. When my family is traveling I ask God to send an Angel to watch over them. I don't get on my knees to pray. I just talk to God.

  10. Bless us oh lord for these thy gifts

    which we are about to receive

    from thy bounty through Christ our lord


    I say that before every dinner i eat at the table. (which, i admit, those are getting fewer and further between since i usually end up on the couch eating something involving ground beef and limited effort). other than that, i sometimes just think to myself, 'god, please help me' or 'god, i love you'  and i mean it like i'm actually talking to him. every time i say something like GOD! when i'm really frustrated i stop and think of the third (second?) commandment: Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. which i'm proud to say is also getting fewer and further between

    (giggling to herself like a three year old who's stolen a cookie from the jar) he he he, God bless you.

  11. I should pray 5x a day but it's more like 1-3 times =[[

    I'm working on it. I pray by reciting verses from the Quran (ex: God guide me on the right path on which you've bestowed your mercy etc etc). After the pray I make supplication and ask for all the things in life I'd like & thank God for what he's given me.

  12. Yes; I pray that one day there will be no religion

  13. hi, i am a muslim, we pray 5 times aday.1- morning before sunrise 2noon 3 after noon 4 after sunset 5 at night. before pray, we wash and after that we pray both physically and  mentally. well everytime when i pray, i feel so comfort, relaxed and fresh, as much as i am tired, after pray i am so comfort. i dont feel tired anymore. like if i pray at morning my day start well by any mean, the same as other times.

    i actually dont pray that i am muslim, but cause i know it help me. and i have seen it.

  14. Daily; I pray to the God of Abraham, Issac, Israel, the Christ Jesus. Mostly I pray in the beginning of my day and at the end of my day.

    I pray to worship, and to clean my soul. I pray to acknowledge and to request. I pray because I have the right and the ability to do so.

    Many of my requests are for others, but then many of my requests are for me. They are all answered. There are times I pray just to converse with my Father.

  15. I don't pray. I am not a religious person and do not believe in the idea of a god or higher being.

  16. when? anytime of the day, at random.

    what for? well i cant really say.... i give thanks and ask for insight in general.

  17. I'm a devout agnostic so I don't actually pray to a god. However, I do pray so to speak. Every night and morning about what I'm thankful for. When somebody I love is struggling. And sometimes when yet another horrible thing is going on in the world. I pray to make it better and help people get through their pain and struggles. I think it's more of sending a good vibe if that makes sense?

    And I also pray when Mr. B starts to smile while we're sparring , lol...

  18. Yes I do pray. At any time I want and about anything. I don't it out loud though

  19. No, I'm Atheist.

  20. I do pray. In the last few years I've abandoned religion because I have a hard time trusting information that comes from 3rd parties. But I pray. I pray when I need strength, and I pray when I've been blessed. I believe in God and I believe that only God judges me. I don't need someone else to tell me how to pray or how to live my life.

    I believe in the power of prayer.

  21. No i dont...anymore at least. Used to be Christian.
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