
Do you prefare Restaurants or Eating at home?

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My wife has been trying to cajole me several times to no avail to eat at home.But i sometimes feel she is too strict and does not know the importance of dinning and wining out with friends and business partners.




  1. I like eating in the privacy of my own home. Sometime I like eating out, but it's nice to sometimes have take-out at home :)

  2. ...out is more interesting-

  3. sometimes going out is a nice break, but I like to cook, so I enjoy staying home, but, then, I am a homebody.  Nobody is making me stay home, tho. When I do go out, it is to get stuff that is hard to make at home, because of ingredients, preparation time, etc. Like good Chinese, Thai, Italian, German food, etc. It is definitely cheaper to eat at home, Plus, you know what you are getting.

  4. both

  5. i like both

    but home is alot better.

  6. you can order out and eat in but i am with her i hate crowds and not being able the enjoy my meal due to the actions of others i can dine out but i prefer not to

  7. I perfer eating at home because I can control what types of things are put in my food and also I dont have to worry about the germs from other people handling it, however, I do eat out occasionally

  8. I like to eat at home.

  9. Well it depends on the mood I am. Sometimes I just want to stay home and eat and sometimes I want to go out and have a nice dinner.

  10. I prefer eating at restaurants, because I'm not that good of a cook.

  11. I prefer restaurants for variety. Plus My limited ability to cook!!

  12. I personally hate dining out. Its too formal, to expensive and never feels worth it. I prefer eating at home or even fast food. Especially when with my family. We can be as loud and messy as we want without expectations or formalities

  13. dining out with business contacts is good, when it is is not necessary all the time....sometimes a dinner at home with friends and business contacts is also just as good or can place too much emphasis on going out with friends and business asssociates and it can make you look not over do this.  I think you need to eat at home more.....if your wife cant cook, get her a cook book and cooking lessons or hire a personal chef...many chefs now have a service they make your meals for you on a regular basis (weekat time) or whenever you need a special meal....look into it...your friends and associates may actual respect you more for it and you may accomplish more

  14. Eating out because I am the only one cooking at home ;)

  15. It depends but I would rather eat at home because I watch my favorite t.v shows.

  16. Combo of both..

  17. depends on the situation.  i prefer home cooked meals.

  18. defnitly eating at home, there nothing like the satisfaction of a own cooked meal.

  19. I prefer to eat at home.  I like to smoke after having a good meal.  No smoking in NJ restaurants or bars.  Though I did eat out on New Years Eve.

  20. no restaurant can cook as i do     love to come home  from work    shower  have glass of Vino  and  dirty  the kitchen up

  21. Sounds to me like you're headed for a hard landing. Wife likes being home and you want to take care of business. You can't take care of your homework and still do the business thing. I'd eat more at home if I were you...*wink*

  22. I much prefer eating at home.

    I have not eaten out in over five years.

    Home cooking is cheaper, and it can be healthier.

    Also, I don't believe in tipping.

    Lastly, who knows what nasty things are being done to your food in the kitchen of a restaurant.  Yuck.

  23. I really like to eat out! I get hungry for things that I can't make the way the cooks at the restaurant make it.I love Chinese buffets(wish I could cook like that)I think it is just fun to eat out and then not have to clean the dirty dishes and your family can all get what they like and eat it up,(no more,"I don't want that mommy!"):)

  24. Eating out rules!!!

  25. Sounds like you have two issues: Where you eat, and where you live.

    In a few years which would have been more important to you?  A meal with clients that you cannot remember or an ex-wife that does not want to remember you?

    I would suggest that you find a middle ground.  

    1) Always let her know where you are at and where you are going.  Give her a heads up as soon as you think that there may be a possibility that you may not be home.

    2) If you wine and dine the customers, that is fine.  Just make sure that you do not overindulge in food or drink.  You should make sure that you leave yourself physically fit, as well as more than able <wink> and willing to prove to your wife that you have not been with another woman.  

    3) Call her from the restaurant.  Tell her that you are looking at the desert menu and were thinking of her.  Tell her that you would like to bring something home to share with her.  Describe in detail what is offered and ask her what she would like.

    4) Valentines Day is coming.  Do not blow it!  If not on that day, pick one on random.  Arrange to come home early.  Make reservations at a nice place.  Before you get home, call her and tell her that you have made dinner plans with a very important person for the evening. So do not prepare dinner.  Show up a few minutes later.  Soon enough to surprise her but not so long that she has a chance to eat.

  26. It's cheaper to just eat at home, plus your food will be done the way you like it!!!!!!!

    Just spend the Quality time with your wife while you got it, no telling when it will run Dry!!!!

  27. i like to do both,,, are you saying you leave your wife at home while you go out eating and drinking

  28. If I am cooking.  I just stay home.  Unless I get tired of

    eating regular food.

  29. I like both.  A lot of times I just combine the two and get carry-out.  If your wife cooks for you, show some appreciation!  Lots of people don't have someone who is willing to do that.  If you have a business meal, that is one thing, although I would suggest you try having a business lunch so that you can be hungry for the dinner your wife cooks.  If you are just going out with friends, knowing your wife is at home cooking for you, you are being inconsiderate.  At least call her in advance so she will not expect you for dinner.  

    It sounds like something else is going on here.

    Seldom Seen, answerer below: You have obviously never worked in a tipped job.  The minimum wage is $2.13 for tipped employees.  Tips make up the difference, so even the government believes in tipping.  So, please continue to stay home.  The waitstaff can't afford to have you eating out.

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