
Do you prefear Rome or Paris?

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AnnaM the pasta and the pizza are from Italy




  1. Rome because it isn't full of effin' french a.k.a. cheese eating surrender monkeys (thank you groundskeeper Willie for that gem)

  2. Paris, it's more romantic.

  3. It is interesting that so many people have different experiences! I have to say that I prefer Paris. All the way.

    While Rome is cool with the history of the time of the Roman Empire, I found the people very rude, hostile even. I did not particularly enjoy the food (although I admit we were backpacking and living very cheaply).

    Now Paris...I loved it so much! The people were nice and friendly, even with my garbled and basic French. THe history, the architechture, the art museums! And the food was delicious, even on a budget.

    Even just the feeling you get when you are in Paris as opposed to when you are in Rome is better, more romantic and more cultured.

    Vive la Paris!

  4. I prefer Paris.  People we nice and helpful in finding the places I was trying to get to.

  5. rome for the history, paris for the food and fashion

  6. I just love ROME!  It is so much friendlier than Paris!  And the FOOD! (Ok, by a margin) It is GLORIOUS!

  7. roma caput mundi...


  8. Rome!! The people are so much nicer, the food is great, so much to see and do.

    Paris is nice but Rome is fabulous!

  9. They are both amazing cities.Only a boring person could ever get bored when visiting Rome or Paris.I have been to Rome twice and Paris 5 times.I myself prefer Paris.I really don't know why,I can't seem to put my finger on it,but if some one said to me pick only one to recommend for a holiday I would say Rome as the people are very friendly,and if going with children,they seem to treat the children with so much respect and are alot more understanding if you don't speak Italian,as the french can come across as being a little annoyed with you when you don't speak french,and can be a little less tolerant when out and about with your children but then again these are just my opinions from my own experiences.

  10. Paris.

  11. paris better

  12. Both are wonderful but I prefer Paris.....

  13. Rome.  It's just cooler.  I didn't care for France.  USA is best!

  14. Paris, think of all that great gourmet exotic food !!!! ( do you really want to go to another country to eat pizza or pasta????, yucks!)

  15. Paris people seemed nicer and everything is just sooo gorgeous!

  16. Rome. It would be cool to see all the architecture they built.

  17. Paris

  18. I would prefer Paris because it's the city of LOVE

  19. Paris

    Rome is to old

  20. Both are nice. Its hard to pick one.

    hmm Paris i guess ...

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