
Do you prefer Infant Motrin or Infant Tylenol for your baby?

by Guest55604  |  earlier

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My 13 month old son is cutting his top molars and he's in pain; he cringes every time he bites down on something. I have been giving him Infant Tylenol .. but it doesn't seem to help.

I've never tried Infant Motrin. . I'm wondering if that is better (for fever and pain) ..

I always use Motrin for myself; Tylenol doesn't work for me. I'm starting to think it's not working for him either.

Anyone out there prefer Infant Motrin over Infant Tylenol?

Or do you prefer Infant Tylenol over Infant Motrin?




  1. In your case I would use Motrin. Motrin/ibuprofen assists in reducing swelling along with the pain/fever reliever that both of them take care of.

    Like you, I prefer Ibuprofen and figured the same would go for my son.

    You can have your doctor prescribe for him an infant ibuprofen. Some insurances will pick it up and then you will also have the exact dosage.

    Otherwise jsut be sure you pay careful attention to whether you have bought infants or childrens and the dosage charts.

  2. motrin...tylenol always made my daughter vomit.

  3. I usually use Infant Tylenol, but just like us, babies build up an immunity to medicine after using it so long. I try to switch between to two, so they don't build up "immunity" to either of them. But if Tylenol doesn't work, I use Motrin, and it usually does the trick. I think the more pain there is, the better Motrin works rather than Tylenol. When my 2 yr old cut his molars I gave him those teething tablets, they seemed to help as well. My 13 month old is cutting 4 teeth at a time. So I have to keep him dosed up, but he's good with Tylenol.

  4. Motrin by far is the best for teething, its a pain reliever and reduces swelling.  That's what we use when teething is at its all time worst.  

  5. I prefer the motrin for my daughter, but it depends, we keep both on hand because when it's really bad, you can alternate doses, and if it's minor pain(she's 20 months and is trying to figure out ways to stay up late, so she fakes pain) I give her a couple drops of tylenol(no real value, it's more physcological than anything, lol, and no, I don't do it often) Motrin can be given every 6 hours, tylenol every 4.

    Good luck!  

  6. You know, I really like them both. I learned something cool the other day- did you know that you can alternate motrin and tylenol every 3 hours? When Emily is feeling really sick (after vaccinations, etc.) I'll sometimes alternate the two and it really, really works! I wish our pediatrician would have told me that sooner!

  7. I used motrin on my both boys when they were teething. Tylenol doesn't work for me either. I did notice motrin to seem to work better for my children,

  8. Your child is old enough that you could give him motrin now. Motrin is better in my opinion. It not only brings down the fever, but its also an anti-inflammatory - so I've always found it helps for pain a lot more than tylenol does. (Tylenol is not an anti inflammatory.)

    I'd try the motrin and see how it goes! I use it for my daughter all the time.  

  9. For teething I've been using Infant Advil.  It works great for fevers too and can be alternated with the tylenol.  I think Motrin works the same way too!

    Good luck!

  10. I prefer motrin.It seems to work a lot better for my son than tylenol does.

  11. My doctor prefers tylenol.

  12. Motrin has an anti-inflammatory, so I imagine it would work well with teething since the gums are swollen.

    I don't think Hannah has a preference for either one.  Whenever she has a fever, we have to rotate every 4 hours w/ Tylenol and Motrin, due to her having a seizure before, and that is usually the only time we have ever used it.

    Check with the pharmacist about the dosage.  It isn't really clear on the bottle.

  13. We use the tylenol too, but for teething pain we use the Grape Anbesol and it works wonders. It is instant relief for her.  

  14. We try and do tylenol during the day and motrin at night. But some days I see that his gums are so swollen that I give him motrin to reduce the swelling and pain...just make sure you have the correct dosage..We are using childrens since he is like 26 lbs now and that is what they would give him at the docs office because of his age... dosage chart for motrin tylenol dosage chart

    if it takes you to a different page to join, then on the bottom left of the article it is a no thanks just take me to my article or page or that...I have them both saved on my computer..scroll down once you get to the page and the chart is on the bottom and gives you the dosage that your pedi or hospital would give...

    What all have you tried for teething...our favorite thing is cold bananas I just give him half and he goes at it and it numbs his gums as he eats...and he LOVES it...frozen waffles/pancakes are also a hit

  15. I would choose infant motrin

  16. I prefer infant tylenol for fevers.   And the motrin for more pain issues (like teething)

    I would definitly give it a shot.  

  17. I prefer Motrin over Tylenol.  Tylenol does not seem to help Emma.  Motrin works in about an hour.  Money saving tip:  You can give infant's over six months old Children's Motrin instead of the Infant kind.  Emma weighs 21 pounds and she gets 3/4 teaspoon of Children's Motrin.  It is cheaper and last a lot longer.

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