
Do you prefer Obama's well thought out answers to questions or McCain's simplistic slogans?

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I'll follow Bin Laden to the gates of h**l!




  1. How many "umms" in well thought out & is a teleprompter present?

  2. Obviously a well thought out answer not just a slogan

  3. The make a good contrast in styles, indeed. I cannot remember exactly what Obama said. Just have a general impression at this point.

    Perhaps McCain should have elaborated and been more specific but I might have still have a general impression after a few days.

    The huge, impending issues like war and eletricity generation were skipped over with nearly no comment. I know no more today than I did a year ago with these candidate. They never will get specific on big oil and keep their answers wide open or completely vague. How is that any different than Bush? Not much to go on despite much throught and reading. Theories and propaganda from the closely-held broadcast media leave me very, very uncertain. No reason for me to choose one or the other. It all sounds like propaganda or BS. Although, I suspect big things are happening but we will have no hand those decisions.  

  4. obama is a idiot! he never answers the questions before putting you to sleep.

  5. i prefer Obama, college graduate and whatever he has to say. grand pa mccain get's confused to much.

  6. Well, my friend, I'll answer your question after I tell you a little story, my friend.  Many four-scores ago I was telling my... um, sorry, my friend, I forgot what this story was referring to.  And, what was your question again, my friend?

    Oh and, my friend, I hope I remember which one of Cindy's houses to go home to tonight!

    We will be opening soup kitchens, my friend, for all those poor who make less than 5 million dollars per year, God bless them.

  7. The only thing Obama thought out was how to get a 40 from the Korean Market in Compton.

    He sure didn't look to far into the future when he was writing those Racist Hate essays at Harvard.

  8. Anytime McCain speaks I have 2 reactions. Real bad hibee gibbees. Or down right fear for the future of our country. If he by some stretch of the imagination were to win..

  9. You mean like 'above my pay grade'?

    Was naming his grandma as a potential advisor a well thought out choice?

  10. I prefer thinking any day over mindless, spoon fed drivel for the masses. I am convinced Obama will be the next president.  

  11. Hope and change are well thought out?

    Yes we can is insightful?

    I'm not Bush is not a policy. That is why Americans embrace the Democrat  party but not Obama. He needs to be clear at the convention or he will lose this election

  12. I prefer McCain's conviction that ALL human Life is worthy of protection and EQUALITY.

    Not just the select few that Senator Obama would promote.  Ironic that the minority candidate is against Equality!!!

    McCain's wider life experience proves that human life is sacred and ALL should be treated equally.  

  13. Hope. Change. Now there's some deep thought.

  14. You mean the well thought out answers of "hope and change that we can believe in"?  Oh wait, that's a slogan and the most overused slogan in America right now.

    I prefer McCain's slogans at least they MEAN something.

  15. I love how people try to find ways to diss obama on the dumbest things, like how he writes his own speeches... god you guys are SO going to lose.

  16. Well thought out answers require thought on the part of the listener. Simplistic slogan are like candy... easy to digest, but they do little good.

    And perhaps that, more than anything else, separates Republicans from Democrats. Democrats are willing to think for themselves.

  17. I think you have the 2 confused. Obama is the one who uses catchphrases and motivational words to answer. So far his supporters have failed to find a problem with the fact that he actually has nothing substantial to say.

  18. I don't believe I have ever seen a well thought out answer by Obama. I only hear his continual stammering followed by a few, well, uh, duh, you see, uh, uh, uh, it's like this.

    I think it was his drug use.  

  19. Obama has to use well thought out answers (AKA Scripted and using a TelePrompter) Have you listened to him when asked a question that he was not prepared for, I thought I was at a um, well, um convention.

    I will take McCain not knowing how many houses his wife owns over Obama not knowing how many states there are in the country he wants to lead. (unless of course you are referring to Islamic states)

  20. Considering that my brain functions and I have confidence in my ability to understand complex issues, I prefer Obama's well thought out answers that make sense over McCain's short one-word illogical simpleton-pandering answers.

    I'd love to hear someone explain how you "defeat" evil.  Is McCain gonna challenge the Devil to a duel?

    Is McCain's position that he will chase Bin Laden to the gates of h**l, but just not to Pakistan?

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