
Do you prefer Rotisserie scoring or Head-to-head?

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I started a Yahoo league for this season and I had played fantasy baseball once before with rotisserie and I liked it but the guys who are in my league mostly prefered head-to-head. For baseball what are some pros and cons for each?




  1. I play both but I prefer H2H.

    H2H tends to keep the weaker teams more active toward the end because they stand a chance to pull an upset. Plus even at the end of the regular season there are still six teams with a chance to win.

    Each week stands on its own. I feel that there is a lot more strategy involved in preparing lineups and pitching rotations.

    Daily change leagues only though, not that weekly stuff.

    Good luck. Have fun.

  2. In baseball, I prefer rotisserie scoring.

    I suppose I'm old school, but with categorical scoring there are fewer undeserved wins.

    It irons out some statistical anomalies and rewards a team's trends.

    I feel like a well drafted team has a better chance to stand or fall based on its true merits, rather than random occurence in head-to-head.

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