
Do you prefer Seafarers or Cities and Knights for expansion to Settlers of Catan?

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My fiance has Settlers of Catan. I'm looking to buy one of the expansion packs. Which one do you prefer and why?




  1. I have all the expansions and I can tell you that we play Cities and knights almost everytime. every now and then we will play seafarers. You can also try and change things up and and go out side the box. Play it all together. Just throw those boarders into a box and make a random map up however you like. We also play to 13 points instead of 10 to make better longer games. Another fun thing we do is roll to place the pieces at the start of the game. Like if you roll a 8 you must place on a 8 for you settlement. and then for your city you roll again and place on whatever you roll. And yes rolling a 7 is placing on the desert. Adds more challenge to the game. And since we always play with 6 people at least there is always somone on the desert regardless. It's just funny when someone rolls it twice.

  2. Cities & Knights is cool, but be prepared for a much longer and more complicated game.

    You can read  a TON of reviews and comments about it here:

  3. Now, I haven't actually played Cities & Knights yet (kinda sad since I own both expansions), but I can tell you what I know. Personally, I don't feel like Seafarers changes how the game plays very much, so it'd be a good choice if you want to have gameplay similar to the original, but with a larger board and some new pieces to play with. From what I know about Cities & Knights, it seems like a more significant change to how the game is played, which would be good if that's what you're looking for. And hey, if you don't like it, you can always just take the extra land tiles and ignore the new rules! Hope this helps.

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