
Do you prefer Top or Bottom, why?

by  |  earlier

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denise01*- LMAO your such a bamma, no one asked you to answer you did cause you wanted to. I dont need help in that dept. You need to get a life and not take YA! so seriously.




  1. top because i move things around in your tummy when i'm ontop..

    denise01... self esteem problems, huh.. can't get what you want so you try to hide your answer and take offense to it.. huh!! someone needs a hug, huh! oh well.. get a life.

  2. top, bottom, sides, whatever! but my fave is top, facing the other way! [reverse cowgirl]  

  3. Top.

  4. top cuz it has a tung  

  5. I like her on top. It's a pretty good show.

    I don't really care though, as long as we are doing it.

  6. on top all the way for me  

  7. What about up, down, strange and charm?

  8. I like both, plus behind.


  9. I prefer the top.. the right things rub the right places that way ;)

  10. Why would you care to even ask that question. Does the answers people give you help YOU in your personal life??? If you want an answer, I'll give you one.  IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS.  

  11. What ever you want!!!

    is ok with me!

  12. i prefer both, also prefer to be on top, being on top is to be dominant  

  13. i prefer the 2... the top of me and the bottom also......  

  14. girl on top, more powerful when  it ends if you get my meaning

  15. Both

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