
Do you prefer drop pockets or a ball return? Again, please give reasons.?

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I prefer drop pockets, because the table is lighter and there are fewer things that can break. M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.




  1. Drop pockets, because they're quieter, there's no question about who sent what where, and it allows you to build a strategy against your opponent.  If he tends to play to one side or corners, you can learn about it and set him up to force him out of his comfort zone.

  2. drop pockets for several reasons.

    makes the table feel better

    theres no rolling under the balls

    sturdier table

    sounds better

    you dont need quarters

  3. Are you opening a pool hall?  I like 9 ft. tables with drop pockets (my husband likes Diamond tables best-- I know you didn't ask, just offering).  If a pool room has smaller tables, especially with ball return, it seems cheap and it seems like you can't find anyone in there who actually plays pool.  Just a general observation.  I also don't like the sound ball return makes.  And of course drop pockets are good for one-pocket.

  4. I like ball return because it is easier not to have to run around the table after the game and gather up all the balls, BUT ...

    I like drop pockets because it is interesting to see which pockets get the most use, and if there is any dispute later about which ball went into which pocket, the proof is in the pocket!

  5. Ball return - laziness.

  6. Not a pro or anything but having worked at a bar where they had a ball return, I prefer drop pockets.  Those d**n returns are full of misc stuff and balls get stuck, etc.  We had a prob with our and they literally took out two huge handfulls of blue chalk.


    a. You can verify balls easier

    b. Less bending over to get balls back

    c. The most important reason is that the table is built better, and mantains its level better than rail system tables.

  8. It also looks more elegant

  9. Ball return for laziness

    Drop pockets for speed, control, simplicity

  10. As long as the balls are dropping in the pockets I really don't care!!..........guess if I had to I would vote for drop pockets!!

  11. drop pocket it doesn't cost you every time you want a frame unless you have to hire the balls, plus it costs you less for a few games if you are any good at your chosen ball sport.

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