
Do you prefer sushi or escargo?

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family debate.... i no




  1. I love SUSHI! i would eat sushi for breakfast, dinner or lunch. Wish sushi was the national dish.....

  2. Never tried escargot, but I love sushi. :-) I don't know if I could handle the texture of escargot.

  3. sushi bcuz its texture is less chewy

  4. Both! Escargot because it's a rare treat and sushi because there's so much variety and it's easier to get.

  5. Sushi, but they are both good.

  6. completely different.  you can eat sushi more regularly while escargot is something i eat only at fancy french restaurants.

  7. i like sushi. but mostly rolls. i have only had escargot once and that was when i went on my disney cruise. it only tasted like garlic. so i cant say. but yeah.  

  8. Sushi.

  9. Neither

  10. Escargot and a bottle of Mommesin is great way to start a romantic evening.

    Sushi on the other hand I usually eat on the go because of the high carbs from the rice (never with raw seafood).

  11. Sushi...definitely~

  12. SUSHI japenese sushi is my fave thing to eat that has raw fish in it.

  13. sushi is yummy

    and you spelled "know" wrong :]

  14. sushi mainly because i've never even heard of escargo !! lol  

  15. they're both different.

    but i prefer sushi

  16. sushi

  17. neither

  18. i like both. i used to think escargo was gross but then when i went to france and tried it i liked it! but if i had to pick maybe.. sushi  

  19. i prefer sushi but escargo is very yummy.  

  20. sushi,

    put an s on all sides of your car so people will say,

    " look at that S car Go!!!"

    eddie murphy movie, trading places.....

  21. sushi, escargo is just plain nasty

    : )

  22. sushi .

    Escargoo is desgusting .


  23. sushi!!!!!!!!

  24. Sushi for sure.  

  25. Escargo, when its cooked right

  26. Sushi, there are so many more varietys and toppings and ingredients rather than just snails.

    Icky snails.


  27. Sushi! I hate eating snails. They are slimy icky little eeewy things.

  28. both disgusting !sorry!but if i had to choose id go with sushi,if i had to!

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