
Do you prefer the old simple RAW stage set ups or the more elaborate stages?

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I always liked the simple ones they had around the attitude era..My favorite set up was probably where they had huge letters spelling "RAW" and the wrestlers would walk out from behind the "R"

BQ:Do you prefer how WWF would put on shows in front of smaller stadiums or huge ones like they do now?




  1. Yeah, the simple ones are better. The more elaborate ones look really fake and not cool. =]

    BQ- I prefer how WWF put on shows in front of smaller stadiums. =]

  2. The New One is easier for them to change from one show to another and since I go to a lot of WWE Shows, it means it takes them less time to proceed to the next show.

  3. the attitude era ones looked cool becasue it just had this taste to it with ATTITUDE

  4. I like the ones they have now but I prefer the Attitude Era one better. It was original and better. I think that Raw should get the set back you said, SD! should get the fist back, and ECW should get the entrance with the gates instead of barriers. Also, the small entrance with ECW above it  

  5. i miss the titantrons from raw and smackdown from the attitude era. i really miss smackdown's ovaltron. both the attitude era titantrons from both shows were awesome. they need to bring them back.

  6. i liked the 2003 stage they had but the new one is kinda cool, the screen is bigger and it makes the wrestler cooler with there titantron and mini tron in HD

  7. it dosent really matter to me but i like both the old one and the new one

  8. even though i havent seen the simpler stages im oretty sure they were a lot better and i would prefer them. i would prefer larger stadiums because it would give people more of a chance to see it live!

  9. I like the new one it shows that raw has entered a new modern era

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