
Do you prefer the twilight series or the harry potter books?

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which do you enjoy and like better? and why?

please only answer if you've read both




  1. Twilight







  2. Harry Potter, definitely.

    JK Rowling created an entirely new world and she made believable and deep characters as well as a complex plot.

  3. i enjoyed and liked-scratch that- LOVED the twilight series aLOT etter. why? because before twilight i was all into the gore and stuff and now that i read it i really enjoy romance and stuff. it really got me to read other types of books. i thought the hp series was alright. but i just didn't FEEL the characters and stuff. but in twilihgt, i literally can see a movie being played in my head. i ACTUALLY believe i am the character. and i love it! twilihgt is such a good book. i HIGHLY recommend it to others. :)

    ♥ alexx.

  4. TWILIGHT! It is soo much better. I like it more because it's more a romance story and I find if very powerful. I enjoyed it a lot, while I found Harry Potter kind of boring.

  5. harry potter, no doubt.

    why? well harry  potter has a genius plot, and it is so original and so well written, it has definitely changed the way english literature is seen. for twilight on the other hand, it's so cliche, no good plot, it makes women look like total morons and emphasizes superficial well sephanie meyer makes bella love edward because of his mysterious and godlike looks. i really don't see the greatness of twilight at all, in fact for me it's just your cheap romance novel, like someone said in another question, "it's just stephanie meyer's vampire fantasy"


    twilight is great but seriously, harry potter is MUCH BETTER.

    jkr is just soo creative with her characters and all of the plots. i mean, who thinks of creating something like HORCUXES? like seriously!!

    twilight is pretty good because i like the way stephenie meyer doesn't use cliche things for vampires and werewolves. she puts her own twist the book that no one has ever done.

    but like i said to some it up, HARRY POTTER is the best!

    someone once answered a question similar to this saying that harry potter was better by saying "it's like comparing peanut butter and jelly and pizza". so, whoever said this, you are soo right.  

  7. love both but if i had to, had to choose it would be harry potter

  8. harry potter books have a lot of detail but the story moves slow but twilight moves the story fast and has detail. alsotwilightt forced me to pull out a dictionary so it was also a learningexperiencee

  9. OMG your asking me to CHOOSE? jk, as you can see my username is RAVENCLAWsweetie...ect but you see, that was before i read twilight, now if i could redo it, it would be team switzerland (random #'s ya know, watevs) I think their tied, but deep down twilight is winning. in fact i was looking for a twilight question to answer. twilight is just so much more romantic, but with the same amount of action, while harry potter is all brave and noble, and he barely has any romance at all! i swear stephenie meyer puts some sort of unknown drug in her books or something!


    The Harry Potter books are magical and are apropriate for all ages. I never get sick of reading them and even when i know the character is going to die i cry. When i read harry potter im thrown into a world of magic and details. I love how JK Rowling creates a plot that puts friends and family at risk. It's not just a couple of books based on one little subplot. Its based on a characters journey through life, over coming obstacles to save people he loves.

    Twilight is just a dumb book about some dumb whiny girl who falls in love with an over the top FICTIONAl vampire ( who is way overprotectivee) the only plot throughout the books is edward gonna change her into a vampire? come on and then you have all these over obsessive brainwashed teen girls thinking theres a gorgous vampire out there and then they start using the user name  "Mrs Edward Cullen" all i gotta say that they need to get a life. Stephenie Meyer writes like a 13 year old and does not detail ENOUGH

  11. That's a hard one, because I love them both. Harry Potter is magical and full of surprises, so is Twilight. Twilight is a little more realistic, well compared to harry Potter. Twilight is a love story and Harry Potter is an action, they are so different its hard to choose. If I had to choose right now it would be Twilight, but only because I am so obsessed with it at the moment. But if it were a year ago I would have chosen Harry Potter.

    Hope I was of help ^w^      

  12. Twilight all the way baby. harry potter is ok but once you've read Twilight theres no turning back!

  13. um gonna have to say the Twilight series cause its more focused on romance which i like more, the characters are WAY better and the writing style is better

  14. Harry Potter.

    It can actually be considered literature and the characters are deep and relatable. Smeyers characters are shallow and crappy. Typical Mary Sue and Gary Stu. Smeyer is not a good writer, just a storyteller. And personally, I hate her vampires; whatever happened to the blood sucking/garlic/stake thru the heart creatures? Twilights c**p and no matter how hard Smeyer tries, she won't ever get close to JKR and the whole new universe she created.

  15. Harry Potter. It's just so much BETTER than the twilight series.

    Stephenie Meyer created 2 species

    J.K.Rowling created a whole WORLD.

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