
Do you prefer to carry on all your luggage or check in most and carry on just what you need for the flight?

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This is disregarding the airlines that now charge for check-in. I personally prefer to have almost all my stuff checked in and just carry on what I need for the flight (books, medication, etc.). I'm curious how others feel and what they do when they fly.




  1. I prefer to carry on all the stuff that i just might need. My items like pillows,blankets, snacks ,whatever entertains me, my work, my ipods, toiletries, my phone, just whatever i think that i would need on the way there and for about a half hour after i get their.  

  2. I carry everything. My bag is just over the carry on size limit, but it fits fine. I also take my smaller bag carry on. Sometimes i get funny looks from security people when they see all my bags, but they never comment, and nobody else minds.

  3. I recently began checking in everything that wasn't essential, even toiletries, and only carrying a purse and book/magazines.  I know it's a risk-- what if my luggage was lost-- but I like only having to worry about small shoulder bag while in the air.

  4. I fly a  lot from NC to TX & AZ.  I'm normally gone 2-3 weeks @ a time.  I have had such bad luck with checking my luggage that now I pack one week of clothing into a carry-on and then find a dry cleaner when needed.  I also have an electronics bag to pack as well but so far it hasn't been a problem.

  5. I would love to be able to be a one carry on bag kind of traveler.  Unfortunately, that's not me.

    I carry on my comfort items, which when I'm traveling internationally is quite a lot (pillows, entertainment, slippers, medications, etc.), and check everything else.  

  6. If possible, I prefer to just take my carry-ons on a flight.  Those small rollie luggage carry-ons are great!  It saves time during check-in, and when you land, you don't have to wait around for your luggage at baggage claim.

  7. If I can't carry everything I need at my destination in my carry on I check everything except cameras and electronics and entertainment and necessities for the flight.

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