
Do you prefer to drink or smoke and why?

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Do you prefer to drink or smoke and why?




  1. Smoke, because it makes you feel good without impairing you the way drinking does and you don't get a hangover. But really, they're both nice & here are times when I'd rather drink, like at a party.

  2. I prefer to smoke, because then I am  still ok to drive, i can't drink without smoking but i can smoke without drinking, and i don't get ill if i smoke too much!!

  3. smoke

    drinking gives headaches, stomachaches, and makes you stupid.

  4. Drinking with friends its better than smoking because i can compensate from of it.. smoking on the other hand fcks u up real bad well if u smoke like 16 a day yea ull prbably die in a month or something so drink it is xD

  5. DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I'd take smoking weed over drinking any time. That's why I love going to Amsterdam.

  7. Drink

    I prefer to drink because it, as am I, civilized.  Assuming we are talking about adults that can act as such, drinking does not interfere with my cafe mates around me. The smoke from cigarettes & cigars, which I do smoke in certain circumstances, renderes every-one and everything smelly. Drinking does not infringe upon anothers health only mine.

    Finally, I enjoy the flavors of complex beers from the Trappists of Belgium or the subtle falvors in a champagne-like Deux. Also I must admit that I  really enjoy the pleasures that develop deep down inside-sweet intoxication..

  8. I used to do both

    I gave up smoking as it had become a habit

    I ENJOY a drink

  9. Drinking - smoking makes you, your clothes, your house/furniture, your car, etc... smell like an ashtray.  Plus it's expensive, addictive, inconvenient to yourself/others, and I don't think anybody needs to be reminded that it's unhealthy.

    That said, I do occasionally smoke socially.  Not to make people think I smoke, though.  Like hookah, or cigars, for example.  Sometimes a cigarette, but not enough to get addicted.

    There are plenty of problems with drinking, but for the most part, it's all gooood.

  10. drink in moderation- I quit smoking.

    Why? Because it's expensive and deadly.

  11. I prefer smoke (I'm a heavy smoker, can go on without food but not cigarette). I seldom drink. Why? I dont wanna get drunk, I suppose.

  12. drinking only. I quit smoking EVERYTHING and feel tons better.

  13. I do neither.  Both are disgusting and nasty.

  14. Drink.  I quit smoking 20 years ago.  Smoking will kill you, it's expensive, and its stinks up everything.  Drinking isn't cheap either, but it doesn't mess up your health as long as you do it in moderation.  Besides, I can buy a dozen beers or a nice bottle of wine for the price of two packs of cigarettes.

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