
Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

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Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?




  1. It depends.

    I like eating out because it makes a nice change, especially when me and my boyfriend go to a nice, romantic resteraunt.

    But I also like curling up on the sofa with my boyfriend eating some nice food too. It can be really intimate and sweet :)

  2. East or west Home is best, eating at home is the best things if you know how to cook, healthy cheap, and very hygienics too, as you know eating out most of restaurant don't flow health and safety, they can serve food out of date, pick up food from floor and serve it and the rest, but is your choose to eat where ever you want, good luck and enjoy your meal

  3. I like both,the restaurant gives one a break from cooking,washing up,and gets you out of the the same time,home cooked meals are just as good,plus you haven't got to worry about drinking and driving

  4. Restaurant! You can eat at home until you die. Why not get out and see the world. Create memories!

  5. I prefer to eat at home because it is much more healtier to eat at home because you can pick and chose what you want to eat and in restaurant you can not really do that

  6. Home...I like the waiting on me part, but it's too pricey and you can't be yourself...

  7. i like doing both depends wat mood im in. sometimes i like to chill in my pjs and have a takeaway watchin the tv and sometimes i like gettin dresses up and goin for a meal

  8. I would eat at home but also go to restaurant every now and again

  9. Oh...definitely in a restaurant....its so much nicer to have your food cooked for you, and then leave the washing up to someone else! A real treat!!

  10. At home it`s cheaper,,,,,,plus I can watch TV and scratch my **** whenever I want,,,

  11. It's always nicer to eat at a restaurant I dont get to do the washing up!

    Unfortunately, because eating out can be expensive...I dont get to do it that often!

    But I would prefer a restaurant!

    (It always tastes nicer when someone else cooks it for you!)

  12. DEPENDS on who is paying and the occasion?

  13. I like both i like to eat at home with the kids but on the rare occasion someone has the kids overnight i like to eat out and talk about things that are going on and make plans for the near future which we dont get to do much at home coz we are too busy living life to make plans for it

  14. I love t eat out, its not just the food but the whole dining experience. But as I'm a chef I love to cook for my husband, so we eat 4 star everyday, he must enjoy it as he's put on 3 stone since we got together.

  15. home

  16. i do prefer to eat at home, as its cheap, and you dont feel guilty about the cost..and its sweety and cozy to eat with family

    restaurant food is nice, but sometimes you can pay lot of money for food that wasnt that nice

    cant always afford to eat out...

    also its nice to eat out 1x month or it feels special..

    eating in restaurant too frequent takes that excitment away

  17. Home unless I'm eating fish. I'm terrible at making fish so I always go to a restaraunt for fish ;)

  18. At home

  19. depend on what the food it if its kfc or McDonald's or pizza at home but if it Sunday dinna or a nice meal out for a special occasions

  20. At home mostly... but restaurants for those special occasions.

  21. Home.

  22. To be quite honest. Its great to be seen in a trendy restaurant but I feel safer eating at home because I know exactly what im eating and how hygenicaly  it has been prepared.Im very fussy. I once saw on a tv a famous chef sweat dropping on a meal he was preparing as he was busy getting the restaurant going on open night. I see people taste the spoon they are cooking with and handling the food in an undesirable manner. Nawww its good home cooking for me.

  23. i love eating at restaurants but I hardly do it!! I tend to eat at home so that way I control more what I eat. I don't really mind cooking as I like it a lot! but I also love to eat out with mates from time to time!

  24. Depends on the situation.  

    Eating out in a special restaurant is good for a treat.  But if you calculate the cost of the food and what is actually provided, against what you could cook at home for probably 25% of your restaurant bill - well!!!!!

    The choice is yours.

    Regards Jo.

    for some good cookery tips on entertaining.

  25. Both. Home is cheaper, but you don't have dirty dishes if you eat out.

  26. Restaurant

  27. At home. As I get older I am more into comfort and sitting on the sofa next to other half and kids in front of the tv with an Indian or kebab sounds far better than sitting on uncomfortable dining chairs with 100 others all waiting for service, not being able to have a drink as I have to drive home, thats supposing I have been able to find a parking space in the first place.

  28. i do all the cooking for my partner ,our child & his children every day!so i always appreciate & enjoy a meal in a restaurant!unfortunately, we rarely afford to do it as often as i would like to!

  29. A restaurant because I hate cooking and cleaning up the mess.:)

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