
Do you prefer to find information about a country through a book or Internet?

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Do you love to travel? You prefer to find information before travelling through a book or internet? Why?

Do you bring a long a travel guide book along your journey? Why?




  1. book and internet are overlapping at the moment, with the possible exception of information from a book, though might be outdated, tend to be more reliable/accurate.  I usually rely on both and for each source check the source's authority/expertise before relying on the information.

    I bring along my laptop, which I have bookmarked/saved many sources I gather before the trip, and I also bring along some good travel guide books.  Neither takes much space in my luggage, and both help at one time or another.

  2. I love to travel.

    In the first stages of planning, I like to use the internet. I'll also buy a book or two for extra help. Books have more info, and I always carry one with me to my destination since I don't know if I'd be able to use internet there. Books can help us when we are already at our new destination.

  3. Books, And I love to travel too.

    The reason why I refer to books is because I get more focussed information about a location and salient points too, nowadays there are good tourism websites that are run by the Government Dept's, they are better than the sites that come up when we do a generic search through any search engine.

  4. Internet.

    The more sources there are, the better to cross-check anbd verify facts, In addition, information available from the Inetrnet, particularly the news are far more updated than from any other sources. Blogs are particularly significant basis for individual insights about a country and how these personal experiences could prepare us better to deal with similar situations in the future.

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