
Do you prefer to send waste for recycling rather than throw it away to landfill.?

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  1. i prefer to recycle my waste where applicable. However, i have found that in the area where i live, the general waste and the recycle waste go to the same landfill site (basically it doesn't get recycled).

  2. I prefer not creating waste in the first place by going with reusables and avoiding disposables.

  3. I throw everything in the bin..Did you know that about 60% of what you throw out to be re-cycled is shipped in containers to 3rd world countries for recycling where most of it is burned or just left to rot, and we pay these countries millions of pounds a year to take our rubbish of our hands...These are the facts about recycling you may not like it but it's true

  4. I prefer to eat it.

  5. Yes. Save our planet

  6. Yes I much prefer to recycle as much as possible to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.  There is limited landfill space available and we need to do everything we can to reduce waste and prolong the life of our existing landfills.  

    We also need to recycle to protect our precious resources.

  7. Yes of course!!

    Its better to recycle than waste.

  8. Always.

  9. We recycle what we can in our house

  10. i prefer to recycle if there were faster ways of doing that

  11. agree I sent all my waste for recycling jus this morning ;)

  12. I do prefer it, as we only a small island and this stuff takes ages to decompose. The only thing is wether the economies are right, they have worked out that unless you taking stuff to be recycled as part of a regular trip, like to supermaket for say bottles then your actually using up more energy!

    It was sad when i visited the waste proceesing place down in southampton as part of my MSc and to see the mountain of plastic bags that were being sifted out, all unrecyclable. Which brings us to the thorney issue of  bringing back incinerators! (though they would produce electricity)

  13. not all waste gos to landfill it gets burnt off and the chemical propertys get turned into energy/heat and in return are used within city centres ie sheffield

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